New Member
I still think that one pair of kribs would be fine in your tank, but as an alternative, how about dwarf gouramis?
You can get the wild type ones with red and blue stripes and the all red and all blue varieties.
So kribs are still in the mix

It was considered but I heard they arn't nearly as hardy as honeys, grow larger, and crap everywhere

Hmm, in a 100l I'd for for either the gouramis or dwarf cichlids; even though they occupy different areas of the tank, it would be pushing your stocking.
Bolivians don't come in the same colours as normal rams, and being totally honest they're not as bright, but they do colour up beautifully (they never look much in shop tanks) once you get them home, and they're very characterful little fish.
I'm sure Zante will agree that blue/gold rams aren't really a good choice for a new fishkeeper! Some people think they're even harder to keep than discus.
Most shops have some species of apistogramma, and a pair or harem of one male/two females would go very nicely in a tank that size.
We're not really helping here, are we? I'm sure we're just making it harder for you to choose!
I was thinking that, not a very big tank for 4 medium sized fish i guess

cool I did google variants but not much came up, I am most likely to swap my backdrop to a black one and plant up a bit more so hopefully that would help with colours.

I heard that Bolivian rams are hard to sex, how do i ensure I get a pair?