A Typical "what Should I Put In My Tank?" Thread

I still think that one pair of kribs would be fine in your tank, but as an alternative, how about dwarf gouramis?
You can get the wild type ones with red and blue stripes and the all red and all blue varieties.

So kribs are still in the mix :lol:
It was considered but I heard they arn't nearly as hardy as honeys, grow larger, and crap everywhere :lol:

Hmm, in a 100l I'd for for either the gouramis or dwarf cichlids; even though they occupy different areas of the tank, it would be pushing your stocking.

Bolivians don't come in the same colours as normal rams, and being totally honest they're not as bright, but they do colour up beautifully (they never look much in shop tanks) once you get them home, and they're very characterful little fish.

I'm sure Zante will agree that blue/gold rams aren't really a good choice for a new fishkeeper! Some people think they're even harder to keep than discus.

Most shops have some species of apistogramma, and a pair or harem of one male/two females would go very nicely in a tank that size.

We're not really helping here, are we? I'm sure we're just making it harder for you to choose!

I was thinking that, not a very big tank for 4 medium sized fish i guess :/

cool I did google variants but not much came up, I am most likely to swap my backdrop to a black one and plant up a bit more so hopefully that would help with colours.

:lol: no this has become almost a child in a toyshop type scenario :lol: but I appreciate the help, like I said I would rather decide in advance

I heard that Bolivian rams are hard to sex, how do i ensure I get a pair?
I won't say as hard as discus, but yes, they are delicate, demanding little fish, that will make you work hard.

Anyone said betta yet? One male and three females would fit nicely in that tank.
I won't say as hard as discus, but yes, they are delicate, demanding little fish, that will make you work hard.

Anyone said betta yet? One male and three females would fit nicely in that tank.

I don't like them, not sure why, think its the over the top finnage, much the same reason I dont like guppies, that and they breed like rabbits :lol:
I won't say as hard as discus, but yes, they are delicate, demanding little fish, that will make you work hard.

Anyone said betta yet? One male and three females would fit nicely in that tank.

I don't like them, not sure why, think its the over the top finnage, much the same reason I dont like guppies, that and they breed like rabbits :lol:

I must say I'm with you on bettas and guppies, don't really like them. They are liked though, so I brought them up...
I won't say as hard as discus, but yes, they are delicate, demanding little fish, that will make you work hard.

Anyone said betta yet? One male and three females would fit nicely in that tank.

I don't like them, not sure why, think its the over the top finnage, much the same reason I dont like guppies, that and they breed like rabbits :lol:

I must say I'm with you on bettas and guppies, don't really like them. They are liked though, so I brought them up...

All ideas are apreciated, especially ones that get me closer to a decision :lol:
also now looking into killfish

thanks for the help

going to contact my LSF see if they will take the angels off my hands before it gets cruel keeping them in there

Be very careful with your choice of killifish, you could easily end up with one that will eventually eye small fish like guppies as live lunch eg. Golden Wonder Killifish.

Small cichlid, how about African Butterfly Cichlids (A. thomasi), they are far less aggressive than Kribs or my Lionhead Cichlids (who have killed decent sized tankmates both times in my Rio240)?

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