A Typical "what Should I Put In My Tank?" Thread

Since you're going to rehome your angels at some point, how about getting a pair of kribs?

You get about six juveniles, let them grow a bit and when they pair up you choose a pair and rehome the others.

No need to get a group - sex them young and get a pair. They'll pair up 90% of the time. They aren't fussy like :p
if your gonna get more fish why not cichlids or guppies they are compatible with angels well at least with mine

I had intended to do a malawain tank but it looked to be a lot more technical and for the size of the tank I didnt think I would be able to keep many.

Dont like guppies or mollys to be honest

I'm sure the Guppies are very compatable with your Angelfishes' stomachs! Seriously, that will end in a live lunch scenario as your Angels mature.


Since you're going to rehome your angels at some point, how about getting a pair of kribs?

You get about six juveniles, let them grow a bit and when they pair up you choose a pair and rehome the others.

Hadn't thought, will have a look into it just now, cheers

Since you're going to rehome your angels at some point, how about getting a pair of kribs?

You get about six juveniles, let them grow a bit and when they pair up you choose a pair and rehome the others.

No need to get a group - sex them young and get a pair. They'll pair up 90% of the time. They aren't fussy like :p

:lol: sounds er familiar :/
Looking into Kribensis it says the tank should be 3ft if I'm keeping them in a comunity :( my tank is only 2.5 ft (at my calculation)

Also reading into it it says they need dark substrate so looks like a no go :(

How should I go about rehoming my angels? The guy I thought would want them (big tank) has changed his mind :\

My angel ate a few guppies in her time. :lol:

sounds like expensive food :lol:
Looking into Kribensis it says the tank should be 3ft if I'm keeping them in a comunity :( my tank is only 2.5 ft (at my calculation)

Also reading into it it says they need dark substrate so looks like a no go :(

Probably because they get quite aggro when breeding, just like any cichlid type I suppose. Dark substrate isn't necessary, it just shows off their colours better. I had my pair on pale sand and bred them a few times before moving on.

You could add either more flame tetras to up the shoal, or add a second shoal of something. If you want to stick with red then you could go for something like cherry barbs or hengeli or espei rasbora. Alternatively, if you want something that just looks nice, you could have a pair of killifish in there, or a shoal of cardinals/neons (regular, green or black) depending on tank temp, rummy nose tetras or lemon tetras.

All depends on what you want in there, whether it's a centrepiece type fish or another shoal to watch.
Looking into Kribensis it says the tank should be 3ft if I'm keeping them in a comunity :( my tank is only 2.5 ft (at my calculation)

Also reading into it it says they need dark substrate so looks like a no go :(

Probably because they get quite aggro when breeding, just like any cichlid type I suppose. Dark substrate isn't necessary, it just shows off their colours better. I had my pair on pale sand and bred them a few times before moving on.

You could add either more flame tetras to up the shoal, or add a second shoal of something. If you want to stick with red then you could go for something like cherry barbs or hengeli or espei rasbora. Alternatively, if you want something that just looks nice, you could have a pair of killifish in there, or a shoal of cardinals/neons (regular, green or black) depending on tank temp, rummy nose tetras or lemon tetras.

All depends on what you want in there, whether it's a centrepiece type fish or another shoal to watch.

So you reckon thats sound advice to leave the Kribs till I have a larger tank?

I quite like kitty tetras but I really fancy having a pair of centrepeice fish in with the flames and a cat, the more colour veriety the better, I was wanting to steer away from more red as obviously the tetras are red, hense the honeys I had initially thought. I now however have my heart set on a pair of kribs :lol:
also now looking into killfish

thanks for the help

going to contact my LSF see if they will take the angels off my hands before it gets cruel keeping them in there
I know people have given you a lot of ideas already, but have you thought of Bolivian rams or apistogrammas?
I know people have given you a lot of ideas already, but have you thought of Bolivian rams or apistogrammas?

The more the merrier, I would rather look into it now that 6 months down the line discover a fish I want but cant have because I put something less pretty in the tank :lol:

rams were the 1st thought but I read they were pretty aggressive with tetras?

I know I am going to read good and bad points everywhere for almost every fish which is why I have come on here to get some advice from people in the know
It's more the 'normal' ram; often called 'German' or 'blue' rams (though they come in a gold version as well), that is aggressive to tetras.

You wouldn't want normal rams anyway; they're a delicate little fish that can be very hard to keep; Bolivians are much better for community tanks and I haven't heard of them being aggressive with tetras (bar perhaps a little chasing here and there).
It's more the 'normal' ram; often called 'German' or 'blue' rams (though they come in a gold version as well), that is aggressive to tetras.

You wouldn't want normal rams anyway; they're a delicate little fish that can be very hard to keep; Bolivians are much better for community tanks and I haven't heard of them being aggressive with tetras (bar perhaps a little chasing here and there).

I will look into them then, but my LSF deffinately doesn't have them, they have rams and neon blue rams
That's odd, most LFS have them, or apistos :crazy:

Ah well, good luck choosing anyway; it's not easy, especially if you can't set up multiple tanks!
That's odd, most LFS have them, or apistos :crazy:

Ah well, good luck choosing anyway; it's not easy, especially if you can't set up multiple tanks!

Maybe they do but didn't have stock when I was last in, are the Bolivian rams all the same sort of colour or are there variants?

and would you say I could put the gouramis in too? or is that a bad idea?
I still think that one pair of kribs would be fine in your tank, but as an alternative, how about dwarf gouramis?
You can get the wild type ones with red and blue stripes and the all red and all blue varieties.
Hmm, in a 100l I'd for for either the gouramis or dwarf cichlids; even though they occupy different areas of the tank, it would be pushing your stocking.

Bolivians don't come in the same colours as normal rams, and being totally honest they're not as bright, but they do colour up beautifully (they never look much in shop tanks) once you get them home, and they're very characterful little fish.

I'm sure Zante will agree that blue/gold rams aren't really a good choice for a new fishkeeper! Some people think they're even harder to keep than discus.

Most shops have some species of apistogramma, and a pair or harem of one male/two females would go very nicely in a tank that size.

We're not really helping here, are we? I'm sure we're just making it harder for you to choose!

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