A Reminder About Swearing On The Forum


the one and only
Jan 20, 2008
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i used a word in a post earlier that i don`t consider to be a "swear word" but the filter got it and made it look like i had sworn...
myself i hate reading posts that have swear filter replacement numbers and symbols in them
and hate it even more when i see the "clever" attempts at by passing them ...we all know what they are! ( yes ive been guilty sometimes in the past)

swearing on the forum can lead to a warning then a bann.. so before we " go off on one" with a rant.. please stop and think .. "is there a more suitable word i could use there" ie.sugar

makes for a nicer forum for all of us

and Ludwig.. i apologise again..and thankyou for clearing it up with me

shelagh x
couldn't agree more. but for me the ?"sugar"(and the like) could stay at home too. seems to me there are plenty of words in the English language already, without giving profanities synonyms.

there is, as they say, "a time and place!"
Ditto Shelagh, reckon swearing on a forum is kind of lazy as you do have time to consider alternative words unlike in conversation when it can be a spur of the moment expletive.
indeed, i do belive one could obtain some more influential grammar.... :lol:

what is this.... sugar? :lol:

yep,in all seriousness i do agree (for once :lol: ). This is after all a family forum and i know some kids do read this fourm. well, tbh, some people are approaching the half century and still act like kids on here. :shifty:
would i ever talk about you shelagh? :lol: i could have sworn (oops no swearing) that you are 21. :good:

i think you have made a very good point though here, this is a good forum and we want to keep it that way. agreed.
Definately a good point as the forum should stay clean for a nicer place to be but also for the wide age of posters that frequent here!
Ta Shelagh... The filter is rather sensitive to certain words, and as rule of thumb, i'd say if you type anything & it appears as asterixes with a number, just delete it and insert an alternative word... the English vocabualary claims to have the widest selection of words... so should be easy to find one & stay on the safe side :lol:
the English vocabualary claims to have the widest selection of words... so should be easy to find one & stay on the safe side :lol:

LOL. the language has the words. unfortunately, the gov (uk) of the 80/90's. destroyed the schools, result? fewer people can use it ,properly, now.:crazy:

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