A Real Invasion


Fish Fanatic
Jul 5, 2005
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I have a complete investation of Aptasia, i mean it is everywhere, the sides all ver the rock. What is something i can use to cure all of it instead of doing them one by one, because that would take a lifetime
I heard you could use joe's juice as one method for getting rid of them. dave
Some people have luck with pepermint shrimp but if its all over, they can only eat so much. From the advise of my local club I'd say joes juice is your best bet to nuke them, then go after whats left individually with a chisel or razor, and then add a pep shrimp or two to keep them away.
Joe's juice...or concentrated lemon juice injected into it if JJ's isn't available. SH
i thought JJ had to be injected into them one by one, but i can jsut pour it in concnerated lemon juice, will it hurt my fish, and how much do i add, thanks guys
Both JJ's and Lemon Juice have to be injected. :nod: I dont think there is any additive you can add to your water as a whole for iradication. :no:
Nope there is no additive to water to kill them. If there was then i would be using it too!

Joes Juice is fantastic stuff, peppermint shrimps in large quantities.. probably about 4 or 5 will work well.

Im afraid that getting rid of aiptasia is hard work, there is no simple cure we canadd to the tank that will eradicate these forever, (with the exception of a few butterfly fish that are just too delicate to be honest)
Joe's Juice does NOT have to be injected. Instructions are to let a droplet or two fall onto the oral disc of the aiptasia. I have the bottle and have used it successfully on it so far. SH
maybe this

I might be transfering from a 5 hex toa 10, could i dip my live rock in concentrated lemon juice when moving it

or should i get a live rock brush thing, i have seen them online, and scrub my rock
Dont do either :no:

If you dip the entire rock in solution then it will kill almost everything on it or within it due to the hi acidi ph content. This means you will get huge PH swings when in the new tank and even die off which may cause the rock to recycle.
If you scrub it then you will merely spread the stuff all over the rock, it will simply regrow out of the mush you create and your problem gets worse.
One of the more experianced guys in the club (actually the owner of Just Coral) says to use a sharp wood chisel and scrape them off the surface like you would to frag a zoo colony. Says it removes them without spreading them. He also recommends JJ as well BTW.
The peppermint shrimp may eat Aiptasia, or may not depending on avalibilaty of other food.
The Aiptasia-eating Nudibranch eats only glass anemones from the genus Aiptasia.
Your infestation could enable you to keep these, as they will not survive in a tank without Aiptasia.
I think Berghia verrucicornis ( aiptasia-eating nudibranch ) are easy to purchase as they are tank bred as a biological control of Aiptasia.
If you get a few peppermints and nudibranchs you could control the Aiptasia. A good way to deal with the problem, well IMO
The ultimate aptasia killer is the copperband butterfly!! i had 15-20 aptasia within 2-3 weeks all gone! Its a really nice fish to look at too!!! :thumbs:
Copper bands are great, but they are fragile and he only has a 5 hex. Aptasia eating nudis are the best bet imho
oh didnt realize it was that small you are probably right!! p.s what does imho stand for ive never understood that one!! lol

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