A Photo Journal Of My Cories.


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
I am no Frank, so don't get your hopes up.

Staring with the panda/duplicaris tank which also has 2 gossei and a suessi:

Swim park water slide


All at once now!



Turn around! Turn around!



Whew! Shall we take a break?


Nah! Come on!


Are they darlin or what? There are nine pandas, 6 are wild caught from Bryan and 5 are breeders from Chas. There are 6 duplicaris from Bryan, 2 gossei and 1 suessi from Chas.
Thank you, Frank. I couldn't be more pleased. I wasn't expecting that. I'm happy if anyone notices. I posted some queen loach pictures in the appropriate thread and LL replied. I am grateful for that.

Nothing could top encouragement from you though. :hyper:

Still, nothing like a Corel program to make a bad pic decent.

I think that suessi is a male. Rather lothe to part with him, though. He's a standout. I checked with Bryan if he would get me some suessi and gossei. He said he usually gets some when the annual shipments come in.

You could send me babies. :drool:
Aww, I love it when my corys do that! It's a sign of happiness, I think. :nod: You have some cool corys in there!
they are stunning jollysue, very well done :)
:D :D :D

Thanks everyone. I will try to get the next batch taken and ready for viewing soon. They are surely happy little guys. The pandas are much larger and more vital than the lps variety. The little wild ones are juvie adults and just darlings. :wub: :wub: :wub:

I do recommend air stones or power heads for air streams. All the Corys in every tank delight in riding the air streams and water currents. And believe me a fine group of Corys behave much differently than 3 as I recently heard recommended and argued for.
Hmm....Actually no Adolfi, Maxta. Just the fish I posted. But the C.suessi is rare.
Very nice!
Mine never let me see them play in the bubbles. They all have them, but I never see them swim in them. :sad:
I do have one that loves to lay on the bubble bar though. :blink:
Yours are so cute playing in the bubbles! :wub:

Where all do you have pics posted? I want to see the others too. :#

Tonight I am editing and downloading pics for several boards. When I am caught up I will direct or post links.

Yes that C.suessi is in love with the bubbles and plays indiscriminately.
That is a really cool and big group you have there. I really like the look of the tank and they seem to really be enjoying themselves. Great job! :good:
I finally figured out how to find your posts from the drop down thing. Using that I can finally see what you are getting new and see your pics. :shifty: It's like a stalking feature. :lol:
I love to see your fish playing. :wub: They are so cute! :D

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