A Natural Way Of Getting Rid Of Snails Or If Need Be A Chemical


New Member
Jan 30, 2010
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hi basically i want rid of the snails in my tank the little gits are eating my plants advise on natural ways rather then chemical would be appreciated :hyper:
Feed your fish less, this is why you have so many, overfeeding :good:
If you have the patience and the time to pull them out of the tank quite a few people who have puffers will take them if you could post.
List them in the livestock section!
As already mentioned, feeding less helps considerably in reducing their population. Other methods would include putting a saucer upside down in the tank and placing a lettuce leaf (or similar) on it late at night. By early morning, many of the snails should have congregated on the leaf to feed and you can remove large quantities this way. Or, if your tank is large enough, adding a group of fish from the botia genus should make short work of them.

The easiest and best method though is to reduce feeding, as over feeding can lead to worse results than snail overpopulation.
Just pick any out by hand - squish them and drop them back in - your fish will fight over them they love them and its a free source of natural protien!
don't feed your fish for a few days, put a piece of cucumber in a glass jar (weigh the cucumber down with a tea spoon). make a few holes in the lid of the jar (big enough for the snails to get in), put the jar in the tank over night, bob's your teapot, the majority of the snails will be munching on the cucumber in the morning (i think i over use brackets.....)
None of the above worked for me, I was hardly feeding my fish at all, tried the cucumber thing, it didn't work. What worked was to increase my filtration, worked a treat!
hi basically i want rid of the snails in my tank the little gits are eating my plants advise on natural ways rather then chemical would be appreciated :hyper:
I don't know if you want anymore fish in your tank, but Zebra and Yoyo Loaches are both exeptional at hunting snails... Theyre so good at hunting them, I add snails to the aquarium and they seem to love them!

If you don't like that idea, there are also some chemicals you can add to get rid of them but I don't think something designed to kill an any water borne organism will be benificial to your fish...

Also, that idea about putting a container in the tank with some lettuce inside works really, really well. :D
I cut mine down with a combination of picking them out and cutting feedings. If that doesnt work for you pick up an asassin snail. They like to prey on other snails and don't grow very big so they ar enot 'burdensome' to the tank the way loaches are.

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