A Friends Horrid Tank!

I was thinking of buying her some live plants but she won't accept them because last time she got live plants, she got them from a really bad pet shop and they were infested with snails. I might get some live plants for my tanks and if I have any spare take them to hers and tell her they are from MY tank so they have NO snails. Or I could just get some live plants, let them grow then take a few of them to hers. I might also give her both my tropical fish keeping books, I only have the 2 but they are amazing. They are 'A step-by-step book about tropical fish' and 'All about tropical fish'. I can't actually find the books right now as my bedroom is a right mess...

I'm having my bedroom re-decorated so everything is all over. I'll try and find them ASAP and I'll be getting some plants later this week, maybe tomorrow.


If your fish keeping books are really cherished by you then I would suggest you keep them but maybe print copies of the relevant pages for your friend. That or go to a local op shop or second hand book shop sometimes you can find great books at 1/2 the normal price. Some of my most useful books have come to me second hand.
And good on you for caring enough about your friends fish to want to see them well cared for
Hang in there, you can but try
Shoot her and be done with it.

Kidding ^^

I have a friend who put a baby common plec with about 15 other fish in a 1ft hexagon tank. He actually listened though and went and bought a new bigger tank.... it will do for a while :p
Tell her to put some organic cucumber in there. Idk why she thinls it has plenty of food. She needs to either get a bigger tank or she needs to get rid of it. Tell her its like putting a puppy into a kennel and hiding food in there for him. Its not good for the fish at all I hope she makes the right choice, not just for the fish but for her also. Good luck

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