Enthusiastic "Re-Beginner"
I was looking at your log just now and it made me think how long it can seem and how hard and tiring when things don't go right. I was about to say that you appeared to be on about day 23 of the fishless cycle, but then realized you've moved it all to a filter and that the 23 day period in the other filter that probably wasn't working properly may not have helped make nearly as much progress as we would normally expect from anything we called "day 23 of a fishless cycle." And even before that 23 day count there was a starting period that then may have been kind of wiped out by a week of nothing.
So in some ways, as far as trying to follow the fishless cycle technically (from the standpoint of bacteria development and good filter operation) it may be that we could view this move to the new filter as something of a fresh starting point but with the hope that there are some good bacteria from both bacterial species types in the media, thus making it not too close to new start, we hope. The new filter seems to be working much better, right?
So in some ways, as far as trying to follow the fishless cycle technically (from the standpoint of bacteria development and good filter operation) it may be that we could view this move to the new filter as something of a fresh starting point but with the hope that there are some good bacteria from both bacterial species types in the media, thus making it not too close to new start, we hope. The new filter seems to be working much better, right?