A Fish I Was Not Expecting

Absolutely - whatever it is, it was free :hyper:

Have attached a video as pics from phone rubbish! Thanks for the comments everyone, maybe the vid will help identify?

It is amazing how quick it is growing, however am keeping it in the nursery bit until bit enough not to be eaten by biggest angel.

And it looks like it'll turn out a male one to me.
Here's another picture - do you still think it is a male guppy? Getting bigger very quickly!




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Its not always wonderful to get free fry! I was thrilled when on my birthday my husband took me to the fish shop to buy some fish and when I got home I noticed a teeny weeny fry in the bag which I added to the tank thinking it wouldnt last long. To my delight a week later it was thriving and growing fast, and I grew really attached to the little thing. I tried to find out what it was by posting its pic on here and was horrified to be told it was a Chinese Algae Eater and to get rid of it quick! :no:

I spent a long time trying to catch it (I have a 4 foot tank) and took it back to the fish shop! Was I gutted or what? Trust me to get a free fish that I couldnt keep! :crazy:
Gravid spot+anal fin=female, you should probably not keep it as it might get harrased by your males

Agreed - presumably would need to get at least 10 females as well if this one was going to be released (7 males)? Tank is already quite stocked though...

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