I have a small clean up crew in place, but the amount of algae appearing on my glass every week is very startling. It's not like I can't see through the glass or anything, but I end up cleaning the glass every week. Is this normal? I searched for some answers in the forum before I posted it, but didn't come across anything. Some suggestions would be helpful!
Also, I am faced with transporting my nano to college next year. How would I transport a 22 gal tank/stand and all of its inhabitants. Any ideas? I was thinking buying an adapter for the car, putting the fish and live rock in a 5 gal closed bucket and putting a powerhead in there. i would then transport the rest of the water in 2 five gallon buckets, make more salt water when I got there, and fill up the rest of the tank over the period of a week or so. What do you think?
Also, I am faced with transporting my nano to college next year. How would I transport a 22 gal tank/stand and all of its inhabitants. Any ideas? I was thinking buying an adapter for the car, putting the fish and live rock in a 5 gal closed bucket and putting a powerhead in there. i would then transport the rest of the water in 2 five gallon buckets, make more salt water when I got there, and fill up the rest of the tank over the period of a week or so. What do you think?