A fact of life

The first photo is hilarious! Looks like he wants to mutter, "Look what she did to me. :rolleyes: " What a wonderful story to go along with them as well. They're both lucky to have someone care so much about them. :)
Ahhhhhh :wub: he's gorgeous ! I'd like to nominate his second pic for a POTM - it's just too cute!

I had some long hair angora hamsters I sometimes gave a bath - they absolutely hated it too :X , but were so gorgeous and silky afterwards :D

Edit: Oops - somehow missed Black Angel and SRC's nominations - so I'll just third that :fun:
errrr, no rodents should even be taking baths. it can kill them and takes off their natural oils.
all my rats had baths and they loved to swim.
I think it is cute to give them a bath They look so sweet wet and then after they dry is when I bet they are really pretty.. A big ball of fur..LOL
well, yes it may look cute, but its dangerous. they may sell the shampoo for them in pt stores, but that doesnt mean give them a bath. Hamsters in baths would die. it'd kill them.
Dweenus said:
Hamsters in baths would die. it'd kill them.

I bathed my hanster every thrusday for almost a year. Never hurt him..and he actually enjoyed it. I filled the bath tub up to where it was shallow on one end and deeper on the other..and he would actually go into the water on his own. :dunno:
Rats are not hamsters. When kept as pets, chances are, like a cat or dog, they will need regular baths. They are not fragile like smaller rodents, and do not stress enough to cause health problems from bathing. It is possible for them to be hurt by various soaps, however, I don't use storebought soaps. -___- To say NO rodent should ever be bathed, you must know every rodent, and clearly you do not know rats.

I've had rats that had to be bathed weekly due to various medical problems, and all my pet rats have had bi-monthly baths in the summer months. I've never had a problem. Rats can't keep themselves as clean in a caged indoors environment as they can in the wild, as they are not in the same circumstances.

Please don't critisize my ability to treat my animals properly, I know how to care for them properly. I've owned rats for years, studied them to an extent greater than anyone who says they can't be bathed without harm, and I've had multiple vets agree - My rats get the best of care.
KeddyPie said:
I've had multiple vets agree - My rats get the best of care.

...and they look to be in beautiful condition! Great job raising your babies!!

Dweenus said:
well, yes it may look cute, but its dangerous. they may sell the shampoo for them in pt stores, but that doesnt mean give them a bath. Hamsters in baths would die. it'd kill them.
Dweenus - I kept and bred hamsters for 10 + years - they really don't die if given the occasional bath if need be. Trust me on that one.
I only ever used a damp sponge - I did not dunk the hamster in a bath full of water and make it swim or anything. No one would actaully do that :/
Thanks for the compliments everyone ^^

And I'll apologise in advanced for the future, I'm pretty nice, but I get nasty when someone insults the way I care for my animals, as it's the one thing I pride myself on.

And while writing that, my poptart seems t have disappeared from my lap...
Oh, asorry about the rat comment! My vet told me you couldnt bathe them. And no, it is NEVER alright to give a hamster a bath! :mad: Every Thursday? Are you crazy? :blink: You were lucky that your hamsters survived through those ones! It takes off the hamsters natural oils that they need to survive, and those oils dont come back for months leaving the hamster wide open for infection! If your hamster really is dirty and needs a wash, dampen a wash cloth and wash on his BACK. I know LOADS about hamsters and have been keeping them since I was little, and I research them and chat about them on hamster heaven and hamster house literally every day. Go on hamster forum and tell them that you bath your hamsters once a week! You'll get flamed on there! Its dangerous, and stores only sell hamster shampoo to get MONEY$$$ And yes, like I said above, an occasional sponge or cloth rub was ok, but never get them fully wet. You are lucky that your hamsters didnt get wet tail, putting it in the bath tub. I have enough knoledge to breedd hamsters too, but there are enough homeless ones in shelters!
Edit: I apologise - I see that comment was directed to SRC - it's best if you quote someone when replying to avoid confusion.

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