A fact of life


Jul 5, 2005
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United States

Rats hate baths.
And to make up for his cranky face, here's Lio's happy face... AKA His face stuffed with food!

that is so cute, both pics. i want to nominate the second for pic of the month.
he is a huge rat!! twice the size of any of my females
He's still a baby ^_^ A bit bigger then any of the females I've had, but all my girls were tiny due to being birthed from a small, young mother ^_^ He's only 3-4 months old, and I'm not sure how much he weighs... Just under a pound, I'd guess. I'd imagine he's still got some growing to do ^___^
wow, hes still a baby!! hes going to be huge then.
I certainly hope so! My boy Malakai who died over a year ago was my biggest at a pound and a quarter, I hope Lio surpasses that ^_^ The bigger the better! His brother is almost as big as his, too
I would love to own a rat that big, hes fantastic!
*blushes* ^_^ He is fantastic.

Here are a few photos for size comparison. My hand is a horrible comparison, because my hands are beyond tiny ^_^


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I'll second the nomination for the pic of Lio's happy face

That is adorable..even if it is a rat :lol:.
Oh great, now you've got me on a posting spree ^_^ Don't encourage me! It's hard enough to not psot every photo I have ^_^ I love showing off my boys too much ^.^

Look at that smile! He was a bit smaller in size in this photo, it was about a month ago ^_^

I am surprised it will let you bath it without getting ate up. I have never had any luck with giving any caged animal a bath before. And by the way it is the biggest pet rat I have ever seen, it is awsome...Keep the pictures comming I love them............ :D :cool: :kewlpics: :kewlpics: :kewlpics: :kewlpics:
LET me bathe them? Oh, no no no ^_^I try to avoid bathing any caged critter, but these are the first unneutered boys I've had... And they smell much worse than the neutered boys I used to have! I'm hesitant to bathe Lio's brother, Torgo, because we are still trust training him ad Id no't want to do ANYTHING to inturrupt that... But Lio had no choice. ^^ He put up a good fight, lots of claws, but no biting ^_^

It's really going to suck this weekend... We have a flea infestation, so I have to bath both the boys.. Not to mention my feisty cat, and possibly 4 dogs (that depends on if their flea oil worked or not). If I don't come back... Pray for me :D

And thanks for the compliments!
:rofl: OMG the one in thE hide-away looks stuck ROFL..it has this look like "HELP I'm stuck you fool! Quit getting your picture taken an help ME!"

hahahahahahah I love it!!
Since they seem to be pretty popular, maybe I'll post a little blurb about how they came to be ^_^ A background might help his POTM running! :)

Being known as the 'rat girl' in Toledo (thanks to a 3 mintue segment on TV and an article in the paper) People like to come to me attempting to get my help with situations involving their furries around here. So it was no surprise that when 14 rats were captured in the school, released as a senior prank, I was called.

13 boys and 1 girl, all under 1 month of age, along with 2 hamsters and some mice, were released.... And before they could be captured, badly traumatised. It's thought that most likely every one of them was shoved in 1 backpack for likely at least an hour prior to release, not to mention many of them being kicked, stepped on, and tormented by students...

My eldest rat, Spookyrat, had recently died durin her surgery to remove a tumor, which caught be off guard... Her last surgery had gone without a problem, and she was in wonderful health... I was thinking of getting a pair of boys, but was unsure....

But when I went down to the lab, and saw that 10 gallon full of tiny, underfed, many injured boys hiding in a corner... I knew I had to do something. I decided I'd do my part to help rehome these poor creatures, and take two of them... I fell in love with Lio immediantly. He climbed up into my hands, and tried to sleep on my arm... But would not let anyone else touch him without delivering a painful bite. For some reason, he just accepted me, and only me... I thought it as a sign.

Besides Lio, and the one friendly rat that had already beena dopted,nobody really stood out... So, to get my next rat, I decided to get the one I thought was least likely to find a home... Which was my baby, Torgo. Defenitly the most timid, the smallest, and the most scared... I knew he was likely to end up in a feeder bin if I didn't step in... So they both came with me.

It took near a month before either of them would let me touch them... But after that month, Lio suddenly started getting big, and becoming very friendly. It took only 2 weeks for him to go from timid and fearful, to the most coddly, snuggy thing on earth. Torgo was socializing too, but at a much slower pace...

Now, I have 2 friendly boys. Torgo still does not like to be held or pet, but will come sit with me.

Lio, the munchkin in the photos.... Is just a mooch ^^ He is in love with food, and will do ANYTHING for it. I'm thinking about teaching him to jump through a hoop ^^

Ahem... There we go. Probably more pictures soon, 'cause I can't help myself :p

Oh, and for the sake of CUTE! - Baby Torgo, a week and a half after coming to live with me -


And Lio and Torgo together that same day. (there were about a third of their current size, maybe less)

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