A Double Headed Fry!?!?


THE Triop Man XD
May 31, 2009
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ok so my guppy droped anouther batch today....in the main tank!! not to good but i noticed as i watched her one of them look abit odd.....omg it was a double headed guppy!!! and tail....well to be honest it was 2 guppys and they were attached by the belly, i think it would of be unfair to raise it.....but i did have the heart to feed him/her to my others so into the guppy fry tank, well half hour later i decided to get a picture.....and turns out my shrimp have decided to make a meal out of it!! such a shame.....but really wished i got a picture!
Pretty weird but also pretty common, proberly always a better thing if it does not make it.

I remember when I was a kid our Mollies would occasionally give birth, and there was always at least one that came out deformed in some way. I've never seen two stuck together though. Most of what I saw was a body bent 45 degrees so that they could only swim around in a circle. Those little guys usually didn't make it thru the night. Sometimes a malformed tail.

Interesting though, I do have a cherry barb with a deformed spine and tail that I've had for years, and he seems like a content little fish. So sometimes they can make it, always good to give them a chance.
well, to be honest i didnt think he would make it anyway, when he had poped out 1 of the attached fry tryed to swim...the other did not so ive every reason to belive one of the attached guppy fry was dead, maybe thats what the shrimp had it?? who knows.....such a shame i really wanted to see him grow up!
Hi i'm new to this site just registered and as i was reading this i thought about asking this question. I am breeding guppies at the minute and hoping to keep it to just guppies in the tank but when i get to many babies and no way to get them to a shop before they grow to big to be in the fry tank, i give them to my friend. She puts them in the floating breeding box and when they are big enough she puts them in the big tank with her others, but i have noticed when i have been round a couple of times that most of them are deformed and they were fine when i gave them to her. They seem to have tails that instead of going straight along like they should they bend to the right and it looks like it could be painful for the baby guppy. Please tell me whats happening to them. :-(
I would cull it, it is not good to promote inbreeding, if this fish were to pass on the chance of having conjoined fish I would cull it and nip the dodgy genes in the bud. It also isn't fair on the fish, it will have 2 brains, and like a human with 2 heads, the left head will control the right side of the body and the right head will control the left side.
^^^ agreed.

a human death is best for the fish. i rekon it will die anyway, its bound to have organ problems or something.
ok guys the fish is dead lol, it got eaten by a shrimp....one side i belive died....
Can someone please answer my question as i don't know whether i should take anymore round to my friends if they are going to grow up like that. Also her guppies and other fish die quite regularly and most of the time i will go round and ask where most of her fish have gone and she will say they have died.
:unsure: :look:
I had a few fry born with bent spines and they all survived very much so. I believe this can be caused by inbreeding, bad breeding, not enough food.
Hi i'm new to this site just registered and as i was reading this i thought about asking this question. I am breeding guppies at the minute and hoping to keep it to just guppies in the tank but when i get to many babies and no way to get them to a shop before they grow to big to be in the fry tank, i give them to my friend. She puts them in the floating breeding box and when they are big enough she puts them in the big tank with her others, but i have noticed when i have been round a couple of times that most of them are deformed and they were fine when i gave them to her. They seem to have tails that instead of going straight along like they should they bend to the right and it looks like it could be painful for the baby guppy. Please tell me whats happening to them. :-(
If i was you i would buy a tank,so you can grow up the fry yourself,your friends tank doesn't sound ideal if she has alot of her fish dying,plus if she's got bad water quality,which sounds has though somethings wrong,then the fry won't grow properly,poor nutrition,poor water etc can cause deformaties in young fish.
well to a degree, but 90% of the times its genetic. fry from poor breeding stock with a dodgy gene.
Hi i'm new to this site just registered and as i was reading this i thought about asking this question. I am breeding guppies at the minute and hoping to keep it to just guppies in the tank but when i get to many babies and no way to get them to a shop before they grow to big to be in the fry tank, i give them to my friend. She puts them in the floating breeding box and when they are big enough she puts them in the big tank with her others, but i have noticed when i have been round a couple of times that most of them are deformed and they were fine when i gave them to her. They seem to have tails that instead of going straight along like they should they bend to the right and it looks like it could be painful for the baby guppy. Please tell me whats happening to them. :-(
If i was you i would buy a tank,so you can grow up the fry yourself,your friends tank doesn't sound ideal if she has alot of her fish dying,plus if she's got bad water quality,which sounds has though somethings wrong,then the fry won't grow properly,poor nutrition,poor water etc can cause deformaties in young fish.

Thank you for the advice i have a small 6gal tank will that be alright for the fry? I hope so other wise i will have to spend £10 on another tank from my frend so i have 2 small tanks.
p.s as you prob guessed i'm from the uk.
well to a degree, but 90% of the times its genetic. fry from poor breeding stock with a dodgy gene.

My fry are usually born with a normal body but seem to grow up in her tank with deformed spines if i keep any of them which i sometimes do they grow up with normal spines even if they are from the same batch.

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