A Cycling Log

Hello, hello. I'm back from a weekend away. These test results are -very- exciting. I've got exactly what I want... One result down - one to go.

11th of March, 2012


This is very possible... I could have simply had 3ppm of ammonia in my tank, without knowing it.
lol I was wondering, do you have any media for him Ondraise? Even the smallest bit shortened my cycle by 2 weeks.

Filter floss works. Thats what was given to me.
lol I was wondering, do you have any media for him Ondraise? Even the smallest bit shortened my cycle by 2 weeks.

Filter floss works. Thats what was given to me.
It's a long distance thing, no real way to get it to him at this moment, or else his tank woulda been cycled by now. I've got 7 dirty filter pads in my tanks total.
:blush: Sorry. I realize, that you already thought of that. I missed the distance thing. Anyway, you could priority-mail some though? My plants were sent to me in zip-loc bags with a little tank water in them and they got to me in beautiful condition. If plants could live a 2-3 day journey, surely some good nasty floss could make it? Put some fish flakes in with the floss? It's worth a try :shifty:

edit: My hubby pointed out that I type like an idiot :lol: typos, everywhere. :)
Things appear to be on an uphill streak from here onward. I'll correct myself, if I'm wrong ... Without a doubt. o:

12th of March, 2012

Nitrate:5>x>0ppm (1-5ppm)

I ran two tests on the Nitrate, and was patient and very, very attentive to them both. (Tons of shaking and playing the drums with the test vials). The first test was an astounding 5ppm! The second was a nailbiter, for me, but it did come through at >0ppm, and a tiny bit brighter than 5ppm. If these results aren't a load of bogus, this is progress that I will happily test for nightly!
lol That's really great actually. The nitrite spike last's forever it seems, but I always felt better once I saw some kind of results. :)
lol That's really great actually. The nitrite spike last's forever it seems, but I always felt better once I saw some kind of results. :)

I hope these results will be consistent, honestly.

Also, the idea of sending the media is a neat one, but the oxygen in stagnant water might not be enough for the bacteria, since they're aerobic.
Well, I'm on my way, for sure.

13th of March, 2012


I'll redose about 2ppm worth of ammonia tonight.
Hold your horses. XD

I'm gonna wait until I can get from 2ppm ammonia to 2ppm nitrite to 0ppm nitrite to a bit of nitrate all in like 12 hours... That's a finished cycle, right?
Yup. On my cycle I did the full week of extra dosing just to double check. :( Just be careful when buying your fish. I did my cycle correctly and still ended up with a tank of sick fish.
Yup. On my cycle I did the full week of extra dosing just to double check. :( Just be careful when buying your fish. I did my cycle correctly and still ended up with a tank of sick fish.

Hmm... Are you sure that your cycle was the issue?

Anyhow, I hope I'll get everything right. I'm slowly inching toward being finished o:

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