A Cycling Log

It just gives you more time to plan the perfect stocking list :good:

By the way, I've always wanted a 40 gallon breeder tank. They are the perfect size for most the fish I like. Of course bigger is always better but the 40 breeder is long, low & wide for a great footprint. You picked the size perfectly. :good:

Thank you ^^

My boyfriend advised me to get this size, since he knows that I love bottomfeeders so much.

Well it sounds like he knows his stuff. Did you do a sand substrate?
I love bottom feeder best as well! What are you thinking about getting?

My new bristlenoses are so dang filthy, I wish I had seen that in person first adn I may have gone with 15 cories instead in my larger tank. But plecos are actually so special...don't get me wrong :)
It just gives you more time to plan the perfect stocking list :good:

By the way, I've always wanted a 40 gallon breeder tank. They are the perfect size for most the fish I like. Of course bigger is always better but the 40 breeder is long, low & wide for a great footprint. You picked the size perfectly. :good:

Thank you ^^

My boyfriend advised me to get this size, since he knows that I love bottomfeeders so much.

Well it sounds like he knows his stuff. Did you do a sand substrate?

He's a lot smarter than he believes himself to be. I did indeed go with sand. I rinsed it thoroughly and washed away the smallest particles over the course of about 2 or 3 hours. It's about 50 pounds, dry, before washing.

I love bottom feeder best as well! What are you thinking about getting?

My new bristlenoses are so dang filthy, I wish I had seen that in person first adn I may have gone with 15 cories instead in my larger tank. But plecos are actually so special...don't get me wrong :)

I've been planning to either get a mix of kuhlis and cories, or perhaps just one or the other. I really, seriously wanted shrimp in my tank for a while, but it's seeming a bit like I won't go with that. I would like to get a single bn pleco, but I fear that life would be boring for it, alone.

As for non-bottomfeeders, I was looking at apistos, gouramis, or rasboras, without a whole lot of certainty so far.
I've been planning to either get a mix of kuhlis and cories, or perhaps just one or the other. I really, seriously wanted shrimp in my tank for a while, but it's seeming a bit like I won't go with that. I would like to get a single bn pleco, but I fear that life would be boring for it, alone.

As for non-bottomfeeders, I was looking at apistos, gouramis, or rasboras, without a whole lot of certainty so far.

Ya man, plecos are very much schooling fish. They are invasive where I live; I have seen schools of common plecs 15 members strong. It is a very impressive sight when the smallest fish in the group is 10" long and the largest is a healthy 3'+
I love my bristlenose's but they are filthy! Nothing can prepare you for the amount of poop the produce. I heard people say it before I got mine, but it's a shock everyday. Kuhli's are awesome!
I love my bristlenose's but they are filthy! Nothing can prepare you for the amount of poop the produce. I heard people say it before I got mine, but it's a shock everyday. Kuhli's are awesome!

Ya, they tend to string a continuous line of #106### around the aquarium. They are the spiders of the aquarium world lol
This is amusing and informative! o:

Anyhow, the tubes looked just slightly like they were drifting in the directions I want (GreenYellow-Ammonia/BlueViolet-Nitrite), but the difference, if any was very, very slight.

I'll test again tomorrow, before I take any guesses

my nitrites didnt really start to show till 2 days ago and im on day 18. 2 days ago i tested and i finally had 0.50ppm nitrites ( i then redosed ammonia), 24 hours later (last night) the nitrites were over 5ppm. i have plants in the tank aswell
Gosh, they're such nailbiters to read, right now. I can only imagine that my nitrate test later on will be just as tricky.

9th of March, 2012

Keep at it, sounds like your entering the next phase albeit a bit slowly.

I don't know if you can tell but I'm a huge fan of the Pearl Gouramis, you might want to give them a look. They are graceful swimmers with good size & they have much less aggression than the Three Spot varieties & they're much hardier than the Dwarfs................from my experience anyway. Also, your tank is large enough for both Corries & Kuhlis, but I'd favor the Corries since Kuhlis can tend to hide during the day. A nice shoal of 10-12 Corries would be awesome!
just my two cents...I have only 4 kuhlis so far (thats all my store had so far) and I see them all the time...they stay around my grass in the foreground, but I get to watch them alot. I bet they would hide without the plants.
just my two cents...I have only 4 kuhlis so far (thats all my store had so far) and I see them all the time...they stay around my grass in the foreground, but I get to watch them alot. I bet they would hide without the plants.

Yep, Kuhlis like to feel secure and grassy plant cover will do that for them. They also appreciate lower light levels & the plant cover also gives them some shade. My son's tank came with 2 Kuhlis and they both hide all the time. One has since died & the other one does come out once in awhile, usually around feeding time or when the lights are off. His tank has fairly high lighting at 48 watts for a 20 gallon. The only plants are Amazon Swords and some Bacopa, not much to hide behind there so they usually make a space beneath one of the wood pieces. His substrate is river rock so IU'm sure that doesn't help either.
Yeah. Mine do take a minute to calm down after the light pops on. I have T-5 lighting on there and it's insanely bright. But all the shady spots and grass must make them secure enough to be out after the initial shock.

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