A Couple Of Pleco Questions...


Fish Fanatic
May 20, 2008
Reaction score
Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia
I have 2 25 gallon tanks set up, one featuring a Bristlenose Pleco that i've had for about 2 months now, the other with a Clown Pleco that I bought 4 days ago.

I just left the Bristlenose to graze on it's own up until about 2 weeks ago, when I noticed it hadn't grown a bit since I got it, it was then I learned that I should be feeding her veg as well, and since then i've made sure there was some lettece or Zuchinni in the tank every day, and in the last 2 weeks she's noticably grown.

As for my clown Pleco, I added it(Not sure at this point if it's male or female) about 4 days ago, and i've been putting lettece or zuchinni in there for it everyday, which has only been nibbled at by the Gourami's in the tank. Things changed a little bit today though, as I seen the clown nibbling on the zuchinni for the first time.

Now that you have a little info on my tanks, and on my plecos, I have 2 questions after reading the write up on plecos stickied at the top:

1) The post states that you should keep clown plecos with other clown plecos, but in a 25 gallon tank, is it really necessary to have more then 1 clown pleco? Would it be possible for me to get away with just having one?


2) I see many mentions of Bogwood here. I have no bogwood in either of my tanks. If I don't plan on breeding my plecos, is there a real need for bogwood(If there is it won't be too much trouble, as I live right by the ocean and thus have access to a large amount of drift wood. Of course, i'll have to throughly boil it first, but that won't be a problem).

Anyway, and feedback would be appreciated.
Here is a direct quote from Planet Catfish regarding clown pleco feeding:

A wood-eating fish, the tank should be decorated with several different types of driftwood. These fish really like to have something to chew on and squash, cucumber, and other vegetables should be readily available to them (yams are a favourite). Supplement two to three times weekly with frozen foods.

From: PlanetCatfish- Panaque maccus

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