A Cory Tank


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
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Fresno, CA
I took some shots of the 40 usg mixed Cory tank. Most of the cories are from Bryan at BetterBettas/Corys R Us, except for the C aeneus and two mystery cories.

The mystery cories are my first two cories and really hard to get shots of. They are a little shy and in the almost two years I've had them I never have gotten a reasonable pic. They were out watching the activity outside the tank yesterday, so I got the camera and me on the ground. I got 2 shots before they took off. Only one was any good. Once I started shooting the Cory photo hams came running. :wub:

So here are the mystery cories:


The photo hogs



Ouside the cory Atlantis cave

The master of blend. He actually has a tail showing in both of these pics. His clan hangs in the back, blending and watching
Is this a cory only tank?

If so, I'd suggest 5 African butterfly fish and some surface reaching plants like Val and Water onions.
African Butterfly's should stay at the surface and not bug the cories, and cories should stay at the bottom most the time. With the size, there should be no danger.
Those myserty cories are _gorgeous_. Their patterns are almost leopard like. Hope someone knows what they are... I want some!

Cheers, Neale
they look a lot like the 13 dollar corries at one of my LFS, really long name, and they're really cool, but not as white.
I'm sorry I wasn't clear: all in the tank but the C.aeneus and the mystery cories are from Bryan. The mystery cories have a bit more of a mask than the pic shows and are more brown than black. Because they only let me take 2 snaps and were away and gone, the best one is massively touched up. They are only less than 3" and were sold as C.punctatus at my LPS, which they clearly are not. After all the time (more than a year) that they have been with the others, they still hang together. So cute! :wub:

The aeneus in that tank are giving me voluntary offspring regularly w/o any assistance. I am reluctant to add any more fish of any kind as that tank of 40 usg has waaaay more than 30 fish of more than 2 " each.

I had a cockatoo cichlid and a betta in there. They both died. So the cories are very stable, but as I said, I am not comfortable adding any more fish. As a matter of fact I need to round up some of the aeneus and take them to the lps.

The tank is not planted other than some Java fern and moss and an Amazon Sword floating around. The substrate is just a very minimum of sand (w/some artificial gravel on the edges) and is often bare in spots. It would not support a heavy planting. The tank is 36" L x 15" W x 16" T.
That's so cool! It's a cory paradise! If I had an all-cory tank, I'd make hills with the substrate or something. :D
Hi jollysue :)

Your tank is lovely. :flowers:

There's nothing like sitting and watching a cory community for getting a sense of peace and harmony. :wub:
very nice, they mystery one's look just like some i saw in the lfs the other day. i'll have a look and get the name, see if they're the same ones :good:

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