A Breeding Question From A N00B

Ok, so after deciding not to breed am having a big problem.... My male is still constructing his nest and is getting very aggressive with any fish that goes anywhere near to it, when not on bubblenest patrol he is flaring up at the side of the tank where the females are (even though i have inserted a cardboard separator in between). One of the females has more than doubled in size (see photo) and is patrolling the same side and has started flaring at any of the other female bettas that are going near the glass. This is affecting the harmony of the other fish and I have noticed an increased aggressiveness with both the platys and the mollies. Don't really want to remove them because I think it would be hard to reintegrate them both back into community tanks. But this has to be stressing out the other fish and of course there is the risk of fatalities. I am totally at a loss at what to do, if I let them breed will this calm them both down or will it lead to more aggression? I have talked to a guy at my LFS and he will sell me a already up and running microworm colony that he has as a spare, but am not convinced that letting them breed is the only solution......PLEASE HELP


  • IMAG0379.jpg
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Sounds like your aggressive female may actually be male! is that the female above? if it is thats 100% male!

All males will defend there nest whether there's eggs in it or not, if you want him to stop then you need to destroy his nest, letting them breed will only make him worse
That was the female ????, he was sold to me in a tank full of females and i picked him out for his colours. Can i ask how you can tell he is a he for future reference and what type of betta he is?

I presume they are all brother and sisters then hence they do not fight. How long can I keep them in the same tank.......... I did explain I knew nothing about bettas LOL

Thanks for the quick reply
thats a male ????. it looks like it is fat with eggs. does it have a white dot on its belly? (shows that it has eggs)
then i t must be a male. :blink: i would watch the dots on the top those could be ick.
Am always wary of ich, but I think these have always been there but have got more noticeable to to gain in size
grain of salt size? if so its white spot!

if you look at the link above my signature pic that will show you how to tell, but looking at that pic I'd say male!

Egg spot is not always a sure sigh either as young males have them too :/

Needs separating asap really
huh, i never knew males had the belly spots too. i never saw one on a male.
oh ok that makes more sense!

ha every time i post somthing on 1 thread you posted on the other one i was just on! :)
Short finned, Plakat Male, it has longer ventrals and a pointed anal fin, dead give away and its flaring madly at another male ;)
Couldn't quite see its a very pointed anal fin without a better shot though. Can't see the dorsal either. And I've seen a female, vt, flare at a male. She didn't want to mate at that time.
most females will flare, seeing as this 1 won't move from where he knows another male is also makes me think male as he would be defending his patch. A clear shot or even better a video of it flaring at the male would be best, then i can tell you 100% :)

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