

Nov 4, 2006
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Burton on trent, Near Derby UK
Here is my planned stock for my 96L tank im getting for xmas is this too much....

4 x Panda Cory
2 x Bronze Cory
2 x Albino Cory
6 x Guppys
3 x Platties
6 x tetra
4 x Danios

Feel free to help as i would prefer to be wrong now and be told rather than having dead fish....

sorry about all the stocking threads lol

Rich :good:
Only a minor observation really...

I'd go for 6 off of ONE particular kind of cory....

that's about a 26g tank so you want to aim for around 26" of fish

your stocking is

4 x Panda Cory - 6"
2 x Bronze Cory - 4"
2 x Albino Cory - 4"
6 x Guppys - 6"
3 x Platties - 6"
6 x tetra - 6" (depending what sort of tetra)
4 x Danios - 6"

so your about 8" overstocked.

personally I think this is just a little bit too much.

panda's are very sensitive and should not be introduced to a tank under 6 month's old. and even then very carefully.

i'd agree I'd go with all 1 sort of cory.... they'll play together better and I think you'll like the look of a group of the same ones much better in the long run

just go for 6 either of the bronze or albino, or if you really want the panda's wait at least 6 months before adding them.

the rest should be fine, guppies, and some tetra's can be a little weak due to years of inbreeding so be very careful when selecting them, also add the platties and danio's first :good:
6 x Bronze corys
6 x Guppys -
3 x Platties -
6 x Neon tetra -
4 x Danios -
still a little bit over stocked i think but i will maby cut down on the guppys or have no platties

also do you think it would be alrite because the corys are always on the bottom or chall i try and get rid of the last 4 inches
i think 4" over in a tank that size with a good distribution of fish around the tank should be fine.

that sounds much better

the platies, danios and cories can all be added to new tanks (provided they are cycled)

leave the guppies and neon's until the tank is a bit more mature, 3/4 months down the line.
So say cycle it for 2 weeks add the platties, 2 weekes after that add danios, 2 weeks later the corys wait a couple of months add guppys then the neons

thanks for the help
So say cycle it for 2 weeks add the platties, 2 weekes after that add danios, 2 weeks later the corys wait a couple of months add guppys then the neons

thanks for the help

when you say cycle it, are you doing a fishless cycle?

this is what I'd recommend although it can take longer than 2 weeks.

then you could add platties, danios and cories as soon as it's finished, then a few months later add the guppies then neons a few weeks after that.

Just a minor point.. With 3 platies you'll get either loads of babies (if you have females), or agression between the males. Since your tank plan is to be fairly heavily stocked you will want to take that into consideration. If you go all males you will probably find that they end up hiding all the time so they don't get harrassed.

With only 4 Danios they won't shoal very much, not to mention the fact that they are very fast fish, they'll hardly have started to swim before they need to stop and turn round :)
Maybe consider trading the danios and platies for a different shoal of tetras ? If you want a 2 inch fish for a spot of colour maybe a Dwarf Gourami would suit ?

Not saying your fish choices are bad, merely sharing the observations from my own community tank. Given the chance I know I would have gone for another shoal instead of danios. And (in retrospect) mixed platies wasn't the best idea :lol:
well with the platties i will just leave the fry in there and any that do survive can me moved to another tank or sold to friends or shop(which will accept them) and i may change my mind and not get danios, this is just the first plan and knowing me it will change 20 times before i stock it lol
Fry = more bio load. Remember you need to account for them in your stocking of the tank. If there are places to hide the fry *will* survive. I have many of the same fish as in your list and nothing seems to bother with them :)
we have tanks dotted around the house so we can move any survivers, and knowing me ill find somewhere for another tank lol,
fishkeeping 1 month and for xmas tank nuber 2 lol

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