90L Planted Adventure

Thanks for all the good messages,help and input really pleased with it. :). It's the first tank that has actually turned out how I wanted it too. It looks like what I had I my head.

There is still some more to do everything has settled down now and nothing has shifted which is good! Now it's time to wait and watch it grow. I'm really pleased with the moss on the wood once it has taken hold and grown and can start to trim and shape it so it looks like a tree. ( hopefully) .

I need to clean the glass as soon as ill do I'll get some more pictures on! Still going to need all the help I can get for a while.
Also anyone got any ideas on other stocking as I have no idea!,

Thanks rak9378 for the help with ferts it's definatly help me I can do some proper research now and looks what's best for mine.can I ask what you use? Also is it worth testing for the individual nutrients if you can test for them?
Help needed with stocking!!

Right guys need some help with stocking been down the lfs not seen anything that stands out anybody got any suggestion?
Hi Gazzaeng,
Are you still planning on putting the neons and rainbow shark or are you starting from scratch?  FYI - I'm not an expert in Rainbows but I recall reading that they can get kind of big (6 inches I think) and should be kept with similar size fish.  They might look at a smaller fish (like a neon) as dinner.  Especially in a smaller sized tank where territory can be an issue.  Also I think they are jumpers so if you're still planning on going without a top that could be an issue.  Sorry...don't mean to be the bearer of bad news...just want to make sure you know what you're getting into.  :)
looks great, IMO i think that you should rehome the shark.. it'll grow too big for the tank.
the middle has Anubis, make sure that the rhizome isn't covered, only the roots or you'll lose the whole thing.
now your plants on the right, they are usually grown above the water ( i have them) and they'll melt faster then you can say mama... well i had about 7 of them and they all died. just watch out for that.
oh and when buying plants (except for naturally stiff water plants) if the ex. sword is stiff then it was grown above the water and you have melting. the melting happens because you have different water, and water change will cause it, but with more sensitive plants you'll lose the whole thing.
and talking about plants, have you seen the ruffle sword.. looks very neat.. nice tall plant that gives a lot of texture.. and if you have the right environment it'll flower for you :p nothing special, but still nice to see.
for other fish i wouldn't recommend you getting any corydoras.. they'll disturb the sand and you'll lose your design.. UNLESS everything has rooted in and you have a very thick ground cover going on.
what would look really neat IMO is behind the wood plant tall grass plants.. it'll give lots of depth and movement :p
then the red plant to the left, where you see the white roots, if you cut a bit under the roots are showing you just got yourself a baby :p and then you can do that to the other part and boom two more babies :D
for fish, i would say have the 10 neons, then get fire/cherry shrimp (around 10) then when your tank is more grown in to have 10 cloud tetras... this will give you a red and blue theme in the beginning... and the shrimp will breed (giving you more :D) and by that time your plants will look great and the clouds will give movement to the top of the tank, as the neons and shrimp will stay near the bottom. also i would recommend when you (if you get them) the clouds then to get 3+ otos.. :)
Maybe some type of barbs? :) Tank is looking great by the way!

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