7gal Shrimp Only - "forgotten Glade"

Hey guys. A bit of an update on this tank... It slipped into a bad state for quite a while. Over Christmas my interest in all things fishy kind of wained. But it's been back with avengence for the last few months.

The tank had a massive ball of hair algae festering for a while, but after a lot of cleaning out and tidying in January it's on the way back to being ok :)

The bolbitis is looking pretty nice and growing well. The staurogyne has soldiered on pretty well. A little GSA here and there but it'll be OK :) i actually stole half of the staurogyne for my 90cm. I've just planted a little glosso to replace the fissidens on slate. It never actually attached itself to the slate in the end. It's growing well on the redmoor. It's self seeding and creeping around very naturally!

Anyhow, no photos yet, but perhaps over the weekend :)

Ooh, and I lost count of shrimp at about 60, so they've bred pretty well :)
I bought some "mosquito" rasbora at the weekend (thanks Stang1!) for another tank, but they weren't too happy in it, so I've put them in this tank and they seem happier :) I've also added some Vallisineria Nana at the back left and planted more glosso to fill in the forground. I might tinker a little more soon, adding back some of the staurogyne that I pinched a few weeks back.

Must get some pics arranged soon :)
if possible could i see a photo of the mosquite rasbora as i am looking at miniature rasboras for my tank
Tank is stunning, loving the moody look.

More pics coming?

Beautiful tank. Careful with the Bolbitis. It is an awesome plant, but it eventually overwhelmed my 36g bowfront, it just grew and grew. Your tank is much smaller than mine and the fronds can potentially dominate your scape.

i love the phoenix moss! its so expensive but stunning!
its a really beautiful scape youve got there, once the foreground carpet flourishes i think it will look top dog
i want some phoenix moss! lol

Yeah no kidding, that stuff looks great! very pretty

It does look very nice. I'm really leery about the new mosses, though, and I'd only purchase them from a very reliable source. Some sources will just grab any old terrestrial moss and sell it. You have to be sure that it is a species that will grow underwater for an extended period of time. Most mosses encompass the "gray" area of whether it's a true aquatic or not. Rather similar to the anubia in many ways, which is a plant found above and below the water line, as are crypts.

Didn't know you added Vallis nana too! Talk about growth. I have some nana with almost 30" leaves. Crazy stuff. :crazy: Makes the Bolbitis look bad growthwise, and Bolbitis is a weed.
Well, sadly this tank is virtually no more. I've re-used the bolbitis, fissidens, staurogyne and java fern "narrow" in a new scape, along with the hardscape :)

The new scape is a 60cm which I'm about to post in another thread :) I'm going to move the livestock over this week too, and then shut this down for good :( I need to consolidate how many tanks I have, so trying to get it down to my two large tanks (100cm and 90cm), and then a 60cm. (Maybe keep my little opti-white nano going too!)
Well, sadly this tank is virtually no more. I've re-used the bolbitis, fissidens, staurogyne and java fern "narrow" in a new scape, along with the hardscape :)

The new scape is a 60cm which I'm about to post in another thread :) I'm going to move the livestock over this week too, and then shut this down for good :( I need to consolidate how many tanks I have, so trying to get it down to my two large tanks (100cm and 90cm), and then a 60cm. (Maybe keep my little opti-white nano going too!)

I hear you, I've had the same problems. I just don't have the time to maintain tanks like I used to, which means working with what I've got.

Yeah, definately. I'm potentially moving at the end of the year too, to a shared house. I won't get away with more than one tank in the living room from then on, and will have less personal space (just a bedroom). Really need to trim down on the tanks.

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