75G Planted Tank


Fish Fanatic
Oct 2, 2014
Reaction score
10/6 - Substrate arrived in the mail today and I got it filled and the heater and filter running. Threw in the plants from the soon to be retired 20g including all the babies you might not be able to make out in the pic. Heading out for more plants this weekend.
Looks nice already :) What fish/inverts are you planning on putting in?
Not fully decided on the stock yet, but we have 4 black skirts, 4 sunset platys, 4 silver tips, and a betta that will be moving over from the old tank.
Added second filter and air stones. Going to add second heater once I pick up a new power strip. Undecided on if I'm going to put in the powerhead or not. Likely not.
Current set up:
2 Fluval canister filters (1 305 and 1 306, the 306 was moved from an established tank)
2 75g rated aquarium heaters (or will be by friday, one at each end)
40lbs of Eco-complete
40lbs of black sand (with some old gravel mixed in)
2 air stone strips
1 standard T8 light (looking into better lighting this weekend too)
Trimmed and distributed hair grass throughout tank.

Current plant list:
Hygrophilla difformis
Echinodorus osiris
Echinodorus 'Rose'
Elecharis sp.
Bacopa monnieri
Ludwigia repens
Egeria densa
Rotala rotundifola
Hygrophila salicifolia
Hygrophila corymbosa
Cryptocorne wendtii 'mioya'
Unknown swords x2
Newly aqurired christmas moss
Trimmed and rearranged things
Growth picture
Added in a Ceratopteris cornuta floating.
Added in diy CO2 today!


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Diy co2 calmed down. it now puts out a fine mist of bubbles rather than that mass in the picture above
What recipe did you use for the DIY CO2?
4c Sugar, 2tsp yeast and water in each "tank".
Going to be putting in new driftwood tomorrow. New lights get ordered next week! Started dosing EI ferts thursday.

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