70l Nano Journal

Quick update.

Fluval internal has now been removed, rock pile as it was decided not to move it again. Good news my cycle now appears to be complete.
Ammonia 0ppm
Nitrite 0ppm
Nitrate 0ppm
PH 8.2
SG 1.025
Temp 79F

All looking good.

Does anyone have any plans for a DIY auto topup if so could you post a link seam to be getting quite a lot of evaporation loss so would like to set one up more to maintain stability than me just being lazy.

Why not face the powerhead resting on the rocks facing the rocks? I see another powerhead facing them, but why not the other one? It looks really nice once the dust settles! Actually looks like tank instead of a big dust cloud. Nice work! Can't wait until the CUC and the other livestock comes in!
Why not face the powerhead resting on the rocks facing the rocks? I see another powerhead facing them, but why not the other one? It looks really nice once the dust settles! Actually looks like tank instead of a big dust cloud. Nice work! Can't wait until the CUC and the other livestock comes in!

Thanks September will be picking up some of the CUC in the morning :hey: The small powerhead you could see pointing toward the LR is just a temporary internal filter I was using with some filter floss to give the water a polish. The main powerhead gives 36 x turnover alone and is drawing flow up through the LR and because of the widestream is blowing over most of it. I think given the power of this thing it would be too much pointed toward the LR. I also like it hidden as much as possible but it can be lifted straight out without moving any of the LR for maintenance.
Why not face the powerhead resting on the rocks facing the rocks? I see another powerhead facing them, but why not the other one? It looks really nice once the dust settles! Actually looks like tank instead of a big dust cloud. Nice work! Can't wait until the CUC and the other livestock comes in!

Thanks September will be picking up some of the CUC in the morning :hey: The small powerhead you could see pointing toward the LR is just a temporary internal filter I was using with some filter floss to give the water a polish. The main powerhead gives 36 x turnover alone and is drawing flow up through the LR and because of the widestream is blowing over most of it. I think given the power of this thing it would be too much pointed toward the LR. I also like it hidden as much as possible but it can be lifted straight out without moving any of the LR for maintenance.

Ah filter floss is your secret :shifty: , I must get some then! Its starting to get annoying to see tiny particles floating around :angry: . Can't wait to see peekchures!
Picked up the first part of my CUC today :band:

2 Peppermint shrimps
3 Red leg hermits

Off to pick up my cerith and nassarius snails tomorrow but from a different LFS.

Pictures tomorrow due to 2 reasons

1 The lights are off for today to let the settle in and
2 I haven't seen the hermits since they went in they proceded straight into the LR and I haven't seen them since the shrimp however about most of the time.
Most of the CUC are in now and doing battle to try and clean the place up a bit. Changed my original list slightly due to availability and a bit of research and am still waiting for a Mithrax crab as no one has any locally.

Today I have added:

4 Cerith snails (thats all they had so I may add a few more later down the road)
5 Spikey Turbos
and a Cleaner Shrimp (I was going to add this fella a little later down the line but couldn't help myself.

After a bit of reading I discovered both the Cerith and Nassarius snails preferd to be on the substrate which would of left the Red legs to deal with the rockwork alone so after a chat with my local reef specialist I decided on the spikey turbos. I've got a few pictures but I'll take some more as they're not great and post them up later.
OK pictures as promissed.






And this is the mess they are cleaning


Oh and on a side note a shot of my water treatment centre

If you look in the far corner there is a mop to give some scale. All the storage tanks are upstairs.
What in God's green earth are you treating with that? :crazy:

This system generates water for cleaning high precision optics there are actually 3 separate systems in use. RO, DI and DI reclaim. All filtered water which has been used for cleaning is re-filtered by DI. Fresh DI comes out at less than 1ppm(TDS) and the reclaim stuff which has been used with some pretty nasty detergents comes out at 3ppm (TDS).

I only use the fresh DI and RO systems at home though.

Bit of an update while I'm here and a few questions. My peppermint shrimp have gone into hiding since the introduction of the cleaner but I've read that shrimp hide prior to molting and the stress of being brought home etc often causes them to molt. Is this correct?

I'm not sure what my cleaner is up to, he has gained loads of confidence and I'm not sure if he was attacking me or being friendly. I had my hand in the tank moving some stuff a little when he came right up to my hand and sat on me and then I'm not sure if he was trying to bite me or clean me but I certainly felt pressure on my skin so slowly removed my hand. I figured he must be a little hungry so gave him a couple of frozen brine shrimp which he promptly consumed. Anyone got any ideas what he's up to?

Finally I currently have 2 x 24W 50/50 T5's which are both on the same switch. What would be the best way to add actinic tubes / moonlighting for night viewing?
Sounds like your cleaner shrimp is just doing his thing. If you approach them slowly in the absence of predators, they'll come and try and clean you. Normal behavior. Also normal behavior for peppermints. They hide a lot. As for the lighting, does your tank manufacturer offer an LED moonlight option?. Thats usually the easies ;)
Thanks Ski, thats settled my mind after the way the cleaner flew toward me I was a little concerned he had be picking at the peppermints.

The LED option was one I was considering or a second luminaire with a single T8 actinic. The LED will certainly be the cheapest through. I think I may be able to incorporate the LED's into the existing luminaire so that may work.

Forgot to mention earlier I tested the PO4 yesterday and found it at 3ppm so added Rowaphos immediately and I'll check the level again tonight.

A bit of good news also after finding a shortage of common clowns and true clowns locally I bought the only pair of common clowns about. They were at my favourite LFS and are happy to look after them until I'm ready to bring them home.
Sounds good, can't wait to see the fish :). Rowaphos works pretty quick so I'd imagine the level will have dropped by this evening. How did you put it in your tank? HOB? Canister? Filter sock? Women's Nylon?
I dug out my trusty Fluval internal and put the Rowaphos in the sock provided then put that in to the internal sandwitched between filter floss.

I was going to use a HOB but can't get one to fit the tank.

I'm just about to eat dinner so will check water stats and post them in an hour or so.
OK tank stats
yesterday -> today
SG 1.025 -> 1.025
Temp 78F -> 78F
Am 0 ppm -> 0 ppm
Nitrite 0 ppm -> trace less than 1 ppm
Nitrate 0 ppm -> 0 ppm
PH 8.3 -> 8.2
PO3/4 3 ppm -> 2 ppm

As expected the addition of the brine shrimp as food combined with the aditional livestock has caused a slight variation. The addition of the Rowaphos has reduced the PO3/4 but has also lowered the PH slightly as expected.

If the nitrite drops to 0 ppm tomorrow I'll add the fish on Wednesday. :fish: :cool:

First mistake made, I should have put the Rowaphos in from day one.


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