70l Nano Journal

Thanks for the kind comments folks. I'll keep the pictures coming.

Got my digi thermometer swaped today so that's all good.

Rvdbarnes there is no hood or cover glass due to 2 factors the first being that even the most highly polished piece of glass will reduce the amount of transmitted light by approx 8%. The only way to improve this would be to apply an antireflective film to either side of the glass. Much like they do with spectacles. This however is expensive and highly specialist and even if it was perfect (very unlikely through the full light spectrum) you would still loose 2% of the light which would be absorbed by the glass itself. I new being an optical technicien would come in usefull :D The reason for no hood is much simpler it makes it easier to maintain a constant temp.

Please keep in mind all of the above figures are based on a piece of sodalime glass with a refractive index of 1.52nd and will vary for different glass types for example plastic or polycarbonate will give much greater loses.
lol WOW! now i didnt see that reply coming!!!

Impressive knowledge!!!

So do you know if dust and dirt in the air causes any problem? I might be tempted by a very similar light setup to yourself?:nod:
Not a problem I've ever seen brought up but some filter floss in a filter should take care of it.
The ability of dust and dirt in the air to block light PALES in comparison to water's exceptional ability at stopping many wavelengths of light.
Ok so the salt is in and reading 1.025 SG but I've noticed whirlpools forming above the Seio does anyone have any idea what is causing this, whether it will cause problems and how to resolve it if needs be.

Thanks in advance
If its too close to the surface that'll happen. Try moving it down an inch?
Thanks Ski all sorted now. You should consider changing your name to 'The Oracle' you truly can answer any question.

Many thanks :hooray:

And as the chance of me ever getting the chance to buy you a drink to say thanks is slim have a virtual one instead :beer:
I must ask. Why did you not buy a tank to fit the 96 stand?

A simple question but I don't really have a simple answer. However it boils down to a few factors the only tank that will fit a Juwel base perfectly is a Juwel tank as they are metric sizes not imperial and I didn't want to buy a complete setup only to throw everything but the tank in the shed never to be seen again. Besides that I already had the tank and lighting sorted and bought the stand last. The choice of stand was between a 2 foot unit available online or the Juwel one available locally. I could have gone for the smaller Juwel stand but there was no storage underneath.
Off to get my LR this afternoon so will post some pictures was planning on 5kg this week and 4kg next but now I'm tempted to get it all in one go. Anyone got any thoughts on this?
OK, went to the LFS I was planning to buy my LR from and the shop was on minimum staff due to sickness so said they couldn't sort it till the week. The reason I was getting it their was because they were £10 kg and my favourite LFS was £12.99 kg. So went and had a chat with them and they agreed to let me have it at £10 kg if I bought 10kg so no prizes for guessing what I ended up doing.

LR is now all in and I'm 90% happy with the aquascape but it's as good as it's getting for now. It's all a bit cloudy for now but as soon as it settles a little more I'll put up some pictures probably later on tonight.

Nerves are now being replaced with excitement, it's all starting properly now :cool:
OK as promissed picture time.

1st shot is as before but after the dust settled.






Hope you like :good:

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