7 gallon shrimp tank fish mates ideas?

I am a Newby

Fish Fanatic
Feb 8, 2022
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30 l tank arround 7g or so. Heater and filter. Diy co2. Live plants.
7 x cherrys adult and some fry plus one female is bearing again and 1 mistery snail
Need recomedation what fish could i add that would not eat shrimp fry, maybe eat some to control colony population but not all i guess.
options in store are color tetras, neon teras , zebras , moly, gupy and some other bothom fish corys exc. There is more but i dont know name of them.
Was lokeing for rasporas but cant find any localy for sale. So how many is not to much and what fish should i look for?


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What are your water parameters in terms of hardness..?
ph is 6.8 but im not worried about that gonna buy from local store that breeds them on tap water threated only so i bought same product from them so should be in good range for ph as they used and breed in those conditions in store so we should have same water as im doing same as them with same products
This is still one of the areas I still haven’t quite got straight in my own head…so I’m hoping one of the annoying kids 😀 will be along to help me out with this… but I was thinking more about hardness as in calcium in ppm..? Or German Degrees..?
This is still one of the areas I still haven’t quite got straight in my own head…so I’m hoping one of the annoying kids 😀 will be along to help me out with this… but I was thinking more about hardness as in calcium in ppm..? Or German Degrees..?

80 to 100 pp i think cant remeber correctly took water sample to store to get it tested as i dont have kit but somwhere in that area just under 100
and that was 1 day after adding calcium to water ( for shrimp and sanil ) so it was bit higher i guess
It’s quite important to know that number, it guides (or should do) your choice of fish. If you go to you local water company’s website they usually post the information on there.

I now buy RO water for my Betta as I didn’t know he needed much softer water than I have.
Like i said fish that im gonna get are from store that breeds them in our local tap water and we are on same line so if they breed and live in that water i should be ok then so im not gonna even bother with it. Tap water they threat with sera toxivec that remover amonnia, nitrates, clor and chloramine, also removes heavy metals stop algae grow and regulates ph. I bough same stuff from tham and thats all i add to my tap water so should not have issue with it. I wonde adding 6 neon tetras and 2 color teras is to much for tank my size with shrimps and snail. Can it support it all or not dont want to unbalance it and end up with dead fish?

This is a really good site for checking how many fish… put your tank dimensions in the top and select the fish from the drop down list and scroll down a little way and it will say, based on the information your tank will be xx% stocked 🙂
Well with only 6 tetras it says 111% so i guess i cant add much in it. So weird when u look at youtube videos people keep way more in tnax same size. I might try adding few more and up the water chenge like 30% every week se what happens.


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It’s recommended that a 50% water change should be done weekly, if you are going to over-stock you’ll need to up that some…
Just because someone on YouTube does something doesn't mean it's OK :confused:
Just because someone on YouTube does something doesn't mean it's OK :confused:
No it doesnt but in those tanks i seen no live plants maybe moss and hardscape with 1 jawa fern in midle. So im thinkin with lots of plants and frequent water changes it should be ok adding 6 neon tetras and if i can find dwarf rapsboras maybe 4 of them.
And it would be upgrade for fish anyways as in this store they keep hundreds of fish in tanks 3 times this one and with no plants just sand and filter in it. Its like being on concert in mash pit dont know where to look al piled up together.
Thinking it would be better for them in my setup even if overstocked a bit.
The dwarf rasboras need a group of at least 10 or they will hide away and be stressed. I tried one of the species (Boraras urophthalmoides) in my shrimp tank and they were not at all happy. I ended up moving them into my community tank.
And it would be upgrade for fish anyways as in this store they keep hundreds of fish in tanks 3 times this one and with no plants just sand and filter in it.
But that is for short term care…not permanent, long term living conditions. And I expect that many of those YouTube videos are done for the filming…

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