7 gallon shrimp tank fish mates ideas?

Well i dont know what to do now its either leave it as shrimp tank or add just 6 tetras but i realy wanted some various fish in there not just 1 speaces.
Guess i should have went for bigger tank in first place but i was limited with space.

Hos is beta with shrimps can i do 1 beta and shrimps together? Most say it will hunt them down but lots say they kept them together.
Well i dont know what to do now its either leave it as shrimp tank or add just 6 tetras but i realy wanted some various fish in there not just 1 speaces.
Guess i should have went for bigger tank in first place but i was limited with space.

Hos is beta with shrimps can i do 1 beta and shrimps together? Most say it will hunt them down but lots say they kept them together.
The minute you buy one tank, and start filling it you either want something bigger or more (MTS - multiple tank syndrome) 🙂

@Essjay has had Betta with shrimp with mixed success.
Basically with any fish you are going to have to worry about some sort of shrimp predation. Mostly the fry, especially with the size fish you’ll be getting into with only a 7g tank. I think ember tetras stay pretty small.
Well im so pissed now i decided last night i wont add any fish and keep it as shrimp tank only.
My 8 year daugther was crying as she wanted fish to watch , she spends all time in here sitting infront of tank watching shrimps for last 2 weeks.
So wifey took her to lfs this mornign and they just came home with bag of fish, idiot at store sold them 5 neon tetras, 3 rodostomus, 2 platy, 3 moscow guppys and 4 glowfish danios.
They told him tank size and that they wanted small fish and lots of color so he gave them this its a joke.
Question is can i leave in my tank 3 rodostomus and 2 platy with shrimp and seperate others in 10 liter jars for next few days untill i buy and setup new tank for daughter.
I have 3 x 10 liter jars can i add some gravel , honsworth, beneficial bacteria from botlle and just keep in each jar them seperate for few days with no filter???
To be honest, it would be better if you took the fish back to the shop, bought a bigger tank, cycled it then bought fish for the larger tank. Not only did the shop sell your wife fish inappropriate for the tank size, they also sold shoaling fish in too small numbers and fish with differing water requirements.

Tetras of all species need at least 6 of the same type, but 10 is better.
Glowfish danios do you mean GloFish? They are also shoaling fish which need at least 6, preferably 10 or more, and they are very fast swimmers needing a tank at least 90 cm long. (Side issue - I know Montenegro isn't part of the EU, but are genetically modified organisms legal there?)
Guppies and platies are hard water fish, the rest are soft water fish.

Given your child's desire for colourful fish, a second bigger tank is the best way forward. Keeping those fish now is likely to result in them dying due to deteriorating water conditions and the stress of being in too small groups, which would be even more upsetting than waiting a bit longer.
Ended up puting 5 neon tetras and 3 rednose tetrass in my tank and since they both tetras they group together.
Returned all rest and apple snail to store and exchange them for dog food for my pekingeese.
So now when i do that calculator im at 125% think it should be ok since i have upped filter to 500l per hour and doubled the size of filter media by adding sera bio balls and extra sponge on top of facory one ( increased media container size x 2)

They were told glow danios by seller but when i returned them they told me its glow zebras i have no clue what they were that store sucks.


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And yes i think i will make bigger tank when weather gets hotter and i have time liked look of platys and could not leave them as i was told they would eat shrimps for sure
Despite what Aqadvisor says, getting a bigger filter doesn't mean you can keep more fish. It just means the water will flow faster round the tank. More filter media does not mean more bacteria. The numbers of bacteria depend on the amount of ammonia made by the fish.

Tank stocking depends on more than just the size of the filter.
Are the fish shoaling or can they be kept as a single or pair? If they are shoaling, the need a groups of 6 minimum of the same species. Research has shown that they still get stressed at 6 and 10 is better - of each species.
What swimming length do the fish need? Some fish dash wildly round the tank (eg zebra danios) so they need a long tank. Other swim sedately and don't need as long a tank. Keeping dashers and sedate swimmers in the same tank usually stresses the sedate swimmers.
What type of water do they need? Some fish need soft water, some need hard water and some like it in the area between soft and hard. Tetras like soft water, mollies and platies need hard water. They shouldn't be kept in the same tank.

Seriously Fish lists most of the things needed by a species - water, temperature, tank size, food, tank mates etc
So far from what i see is that neon teras and these red nose tetras are staying together schooling and they not in hiding or scared swiming freely arround tank, taking food when feeding.
There is 8 of them together and 7 shrimps in tank now cant see any shrimp fry must be hiding in hornsworth.
if i have left only 5 neons or 3 rednose that would be small for school but 8 together might be right number i dont know it is what it is for now cant help it anymore at moment i keep close eye on them and in summer i build biger tank just need to find space and covert this one to just shrimp tank, move fish to bigger one and restock it properly.
So far from what i see is that neon teras and these red nose tetras are staying together schooling and they not in hiding or scared swiming freely arround tank, taking food when feeding.
There is 8 of them together and 7 shrimps in tank now cant see any shrimp fry must be hiding in hornsworth.
if i have left only 5 neons or 3 rednose that would be small for school but 8 together might be right number i dont know it is what it is for now cant help it anymore at moment i keep close eye on them and in summer i build biger tank just need to find space and covert this one to just shrimp tank, move fish to bigger one and restock it properly.
The main issue with adding more would be how small your tank is. But, if the tank was bigger I’d say add 2 more rummynose (I believe that’s what you are calling red nose), then at least both schools would be 5 and 5.
so I’m hoping one of the annoying kids 😀
You think we are annoying…?:blush:

So far from what i see is that neon teras and these red nose tetras are staying together schooling and they not in hiding or scared swiming freely arround tank, taking food when feeding.
There is 8 of them together and 7 shrimps in tank now cant see any shrimp fry must be hiding in hornsworth.
if i have left only 5 neons or 3 rednose that would be small for school but 8 together might be right number i dont know it is what it is for now cant help it anymore at moment i keep close eye on them and in summer i build biger tank just need to find space and covert this one to just shrimp tank, move fish to bigger one and restock it properly.
Are “red nose tetras” rummynose tetras? If so, a 7 gallon will not provide sufficient space, even short term. Neon tetras are a bit of a stretch, but could work until you have a larger tank. If you can, I would take the rummynose tetras back and replace them with more neons. Two types of tetras will school with eachother out of a need to, though they would much prefer their own kind.
I agree with @OliveFish05.
Increase a few more Neon Tetras and return the Rummynose Tetras.
They won't school together because they are totally different species.

Neon probably can school with Cardinal Tetras but not Rummynose Tetras.
Rummynose will also need bigger tank than Neon Tetras.

By the way, take note that most Tetras will eat the shrimplets.
Only small fish like Dwarf Rasboras, Chilli Rasboras won't eat the shrimplets.

Get more fast growing plants like Anacharis Elodea and Hornworts to help absorb the ammonia/ammonium in your tank.
They can also provide shelter for the shrimps to hide.
The shrimps will need to hide when they are giving birth or molting.


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