65L Tank Revamp

Tank is looking great, can't wait to see it with plants in :good:
They're great honestly. They got my spiffy new betta, Eventide, in for me when I asked. 
It's an interesting place to live. I live a long way from Darwin though thankfully. The wet season is horrid 

My light FINALLY came today so on Saturday I'm heading down to the LFS to take a look for some plants. I'd go tomorrow but the boyfriend has to fiddle with the light a bit to get it to sit right. I can't wait for plants 
Picked up some vallis and that the other day. Not a whole lot but it looks nicer already 

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I'd take a picture of the tank with the light on but the light has blue leds that make everything look fake and tacky somehow. I can't turn them off either 

Thanks. I have a friend giving me some java moss/fern that I'm going to use in both of my 65l tanks. It will really complete it I reckon. 

I'm planning on redoing my other 65l tank now. I've got the rock and some mopani wood ready, just need a day off to work on it 
 It needs more hiding spots and some of my plants weren't doing too well so it's pretty bare now 
I managed to find a place to buy plants without having to deal with quarantine laws! 

Added the crypt and java moss today. Wasn't expecting to get so much moss haha. 
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Here is a pic with the flash off. You can't really tell that the vallis is taking over yet.
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I ended up putting some of the extra  moss into the tetra tank. I decided to put some mopani wood in there as well and I like it a lot better.

And here's the tetra tank. I'm finding that I quite like tannins in this tank, really brings out the colours of the fish.
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I'll update again if the crypt in the guppy tanks gets established 
:yahoo: Always good when you can bypass the quarantine laws ;)
Will look great once the moss grows in a bit more!

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