cheers guys
fishkiller_nomore - Im looking for a small bushy type plant but with no luck, most seem to grow way to big. I'm after something that is around 6-8 inches max.
simonbrown403 - the moss is Vesicularis dubyana ,plain old java moss ripped out of other tank.
With the pipes , i know where your coming from there.

i have chucked my eheim and am using my fluval 204 the only draw back is the gray piping and outlets, I'm trying to eeer acquire some black tubing from work that might just fit the bill
Lol the hole is a hole ,it home to my bristle nose, he keeps it like that .
Themuleous I've looked at Echinodorus quadricostatus . Magdalenensis and Echinodorus parviflorus .Tropica as these seem to be the smallest of the family but as usual cant make up my mind.
George- ideally i want just the hair grass on the right hand side but at the moment if the crypt come out i get a plague of hair algae. Same with the stems. As I've said before , i'm looking for a small bushy type plant that wont take over, its hard enough controlling the Eusteralis stellata.
As to your freebee hols m8 make sure you get on the South Georgia trips m8, and make sure you've got plenty of film/disc space , the wild life is awesome and has no fear of man. Oh yea! don't call the red coats Benny's, its frowned upon . They are called stills (still Benny's ) Have a good time bud. Hope ya don't get too many blueys