60 Gallon Community Build

I'm getting closer to getting this tank setup!! Just placed my order to get my filters, heaters, test kits, etc!! Can't wait to get them!
Just a quick update; I got all my sand rinsed and added to the tank along with getting it filled!! It's starting to come together!!

These won't be the lights I'll be using, but I wanted to see how it looked with some kind of light. I'm very surprised how clear it is after just about 20 minutes of being filled.

Looking good! How deep is it? Will it be enough to allow planting?
sawickib said:
A bushy nose pleco only gets about 6" so not huge. Could also get a clown pleco, a rhino pleco, or a emporor pleco, these species beside the bushy nose are wood chewers so they need wood in the tank.
The BNs need wood too :p
O my bad haha, ive never had one before :/ maybe some day
Actually can i just add rhinos get quite large so id suggest against them.
Ninjouzata said:
Looking good! How deep is it? Will it be enough to allow planting?

A bushy nose pleco only gets about 6" so not huge. Could also get a clown pleco, a rhino pleco, or a emporor pleco, these species beside the bushy nose are wood chewers so they need wood in the tank.
The BNs need wood too :p
It's about 3" total...but I won't be doing live plants.
Ooh okay. I couldn't remember if you mentioned plants or not, sorry 
Ninjouzata said:
Ooh okay. I couldn't remember if you mentioned plants or not, sorry 
I may add 1 or 2 live plants some time in the future, but definitely not right away.
Hello all! Today is the big day when all of my equipment is supposed to arrive. I can hardly wait; like a kid on Christmas morning.

I feel like I know the answer to this based on the research I've done, but with the size tank I have, do you think I could keep Tiger Barbs with community fish or are they just too aggressive to keep?
Yay! I hope it all arrives safely.
Tiger barbs are notorious fin nippers, and I think they're best in a species only tank. Sorry :/
Ninjouzata said:
Yay! I hope it all arrives safely.
Tiger barbs are notorious fin nippers, and I think they're best in a species only tank. Sorry
Well...yesterday was exciting. All of my equipment came, but unfortunately one of my filters isn't working. I need to call Marineland today and see what I can do to get it fixed; hopefully they'll tell me to take it up to my LFS and swap it out.

I did get my other filter going, plus both heaters and the tank is currently sitting at 82 degrees. I haven't added any ammonia yet until I get the other filter going.

Water parameters from the tap are:

Nitrates - 0ppm
Nitrites - 0ppm
Ammonia - 1ppm
pH - 7.4

My Current USA Freshwater LED+ light is absolutely amazing! It looks so much better than the regular lights that the tank came with. I think my favorite setting is the moonlight setting.
Ran up to Petsmart and they exchanged the filter without a problem. Got it setup and added my ammonia!!
Tank has officially started the cycle!
Glad you're enjoying the lights and yay on the exchange and cycle starting! :D Can't wait to see when it's done.

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