6 month limit

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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What is so wrong with lurking? I joined several forums when I had a question, and have since made a daily check on posts that interest me. I am not an expert by far, but regularly learn something from someone elses experiences or find something that I want to research further. Since I haven't had too many major issues (thank goodness :shifty: ) I am happy to read, see others pics or find out something I didn't know. I would be thrilled to have a 6 month period where nothing happens to any of my fish and I don't have the need to post any questions! I don't feel comfortable giving advice when I don't have much experience, so I may not post much, but I enjoy the forums nonetheless.
Just an opinion from someone who isn't a regular poster!

I have no problems with lurkers.

it is the people who haven't logged in for 2years that is my problem. people who havent loggen in in such a long time is just causing problems when you are trying to find a member in the members area.
IT just makes the forum look more popular.

Yea but who are we trying to fool...

the people that want to be here or the people that come here for 10min because they think it is busy and then leave and never come back becasue they only registered to add a post of my tetra is sick and i need help. or ... how can i tell when my guppy will give birth... then leave.

when i look at most of the questions placed in this forum they are the same questions that were asked two years ago.

Also when people search the forum for guppy they will find 400 post that have never been answered or people saying try the search button.

all thee type of questions should be edited to the faq and then after a week deleted.
Interesting, why has this been bumped up after sooo long -_- Although mentioning this, if a mod happens to looky here, if I decide to go with the nickname change, theres a troll/spam member who I successfully busted (hehe) who is using that name (possibly as a way to pretend to be me, I never found out). Would said mod/s consider booting that name so I could have it?
said it once and I will say it again, I really don't think that its going to happen. but I do think that will came up with a great idea in sending out a monthly newsletter as to the goings on around here. and if someone wants to contribute to it I think that he would probably be more than appriciative for the effort.

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