6 gallon stocking?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 9, 2004
Reaction score
Fort Collins, CO, USA
One of our bettas died a little while ago, and now his 6 gal eclipse tank is ready for new fish. So far the plan is I'm going to take some substrate (gravel/flourite mix) from my 29 gal, as well as some cabomba and moneywort clippings (they've grown about 1 foot in a month), and put them in the 6 gal. The lighting is really nice in this little tank...in fact, the whole tank is nice. We got it for $15 over a year ago at a garage sale. GREAT deal. Anyways. We'd specifically like a dwarf frog. Also, we'd like 1 or 2 otos. In addition to that, we'd like a male or female betta. I'd like it to be a female, so I can breed bettas, but the tank is my mothers so she'll decide. She might even want to take one of my boys, but then I'll make her get her own.

Is that a fine set up? would it be better to skip the otos and get a nice little apple snail? Could I get a pair of dwarf gourmais rather than a betta?
The ottos, frog, and a betta would probably be just fine if the betta has an easy-going temperment. :nod: I wouldn't suggest going for the pair of gouramis, as dwarfs can be quite aggressive and in that small of a space almost certainly wouldn't get along.
Don't the aquatic frogs like to nip the betta's tails? I keep my dwarf and clawed frogs in their own tanks...
African Clawed Frogs can be dangerous to bettas, because they will pretty much lunge at anything moving in front of their faces. However, here we're talking about African Dwarf Frogs, who are much smaller and less aggressive than their larger cousins. :thumbs: They create no problems with betta tankmates.

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