6 Gal Tank, Am I Stuck Stocking With Minatures?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 13, 2007
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I'm almost new to the hobby. I do have a betta and owned a Molly before. I have a 6 gallon tank with a filter) and I am trying to find a fish that can grow in it, without me having to run out soon to buy a bigger tank to accomodate the baby that grew into an adult and doesn't fit the tank anymore. I would like a couple of fish if possible. I see there are some minatures that you can barely see? Is there anything that grows slightly bigger and doesn't outgrow the tank. I do not want a bigger tank. I tried to find some answers but the internet is confusing.
A 6 gallon tank is pretty limited in what you can put in it. There isn't enough swimming room for even most tropicals like tetras and danios. And most community fish prefer to be kept in groups of 6 or more. For anything under 10 gallon, a betta or maybe some shrimp and ADFs is about it.
The endlers may be what he was calling miniatures but they would work.
1 male or female betta, some ghost shrimp or something like that, java moss, driftwood, tada :) (need some sort of light source with it for the java moss though)
I think some of the puffer fish are small enough for a six gallon tank, and I've had 2 dwarf platies in a 5 gallon with some pygmy corys. Male guppies, ghost shrimp, not sure about but maybe a dwarf gourami---but like I said don't take my word on that. But ya you are limited to what you can do, Oh ya maybe a Oscar or 2 maybe be O.k. if you want something nice. Just playing don't get an Oscar they reach a good 12 inches and you'll need at least a 55 or larger for one.
I think some of the puffer fish are small enough for a six gallon tank, and I've had 2 dwarf platies in a 5 gallon with some pygmy corys. Male guppies, ghost shrimp, not sure about but maybe a dwarf gourami---but like I said don't take my word on that. But ya you are limited to what you can do, Oh ya maybe a Oscar or 2 maybe be O.k. if you want something nice. Just playing don't get an Oscar they reach a good 12 inches and you'll need at least a 55 or larger for one.

scared me a bit lol.
Dont forget how active fish might be they need more swimming space than say a slow moving fish.

I would get a fish that had character i.e a betta .

Most small fish like to live in groups which also means more space. Look in buy sell swap sometimes some folk are almost giving a tank a way to an enthusiastic member its just being lucky at the time.
I would recommend the dwarf puffer and a few otos maybe. Dwarf puffers are personality plus! Mine takes food from my fingers :)
I have a 7 and a bit gallon tank with 4 Endlers and 3 pigmy corys and a flying fox (that last one is temporary).....seems to be working (see sig) Mind you the over head filter system is excellent. :good:

One thing that a lot of people miss when they recommend a Betta for anyone who has a small tank is that many of them have quite a strong flow from the filter by design. A betta, so I believe, requires very low water movement :nod:
I'm still confused, but thanks for the replies. Okay, I have another question, is there a colorful fish out there that stays about the same size as a betta? and two can go into a 6 gal aquarium? Bear with my questions. I will feel a whole lot better if I know where to start? I am really appreciative for the answers but will have to look up the species that you all already mentioned.
Generally a 1 gallon tank is considered an absolute minmum for a betta, and a lot of people consider 2.5G the minimum. Keeping a single betta in 5g-7.5G is very common. Although your betta obviously survived in your 1 litre vase, I don't think any betta owners on here would recomend it. 1 litre wouldn't give the betta any room to move and really is an unsuitable size.
I really think you need to get a new home for the betta you already have asap. There's more to fish-keeping than keeping the fish alive. A 6gal tank is a very suitable size for a betta, as long as the filter flow is not too strong.

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