So, another water change and another update...
The female gourami seems to be more brave now. She is coming out far more often and looking for food in the areas that the sinking pellets fall. Even as I type, she is right up front right now cruising the bottom in search of some food. Meanwhile, the male is out a whole lot more and he's using his size - clearly the biggest fish in the tank rivaled by no one other than the female gourami (or the ever reclusive BN pleco) - to push the other fish away from his preferred eating spots. Of course, they come right back as he's just a lot of bark... no bite.
I found that not one, but 3 ghost shrimp are in the tank right now... I saw three of them at the same time while I was doing the water change - hopefully I didn't suck any up. I thought there was only the 1, as I saw the one most frequently... but after moving the driftwood to get the detritus that settles under it, I saw two, and as I was sucking up some more detritus from around where the pleco hangs out (so much poop), I saw something moving that wasn't really visible... upon a bit closer inspection, I saw it was a ghost shrimp. I had bought 6 more when I got the guppies and platies... and I found one dead. I wonder if I have 6, but I did see 3... so that's something. The other 3 might have been eaten, sucked out or are just really good at hiding.