55Gl Fw Planter Tank

Been a while since I have updated this journal. Loads of stuff have happened. The biggest change is that the tank rim was braking and the front was bowing out really bad so I had to change the tank out. It was a pain to empty out the water and net all the fish and shrimp and snails that I want to keep but I did it and none of them died except the raspora that jumped behind the tank. 
The new tank came with LED lights so I kept them and the plants seem to be doing fine. This all happened in the middle of January. 
I've gotten a few newbies. A viper shrimp. 5 Thai micro crabs, 5 assassin snails, and a dwarf orange crayfish. The viper shrimp does very well but never comes out of his hole in the drift wood. The micro crabs are gone, in fact I never saw them after the first day and didn't find them when I switched the tank out. Its likely they became an expensive delicacy for my angel. The snails have gone through the pond snails but have made no dent in the MTS population. I have tried traps and cucumbers left overnight to get those burgers out but nothing has worked yet. The crayfish is cool but I left for a few days and when I came back I didn't see him again. I got a new one the other day so we will see how this one does. I also finally found a male pearl gourami the other day. He is smaller than the females so he is settling in and they have stopped picking on him. 
So my current stocking is this: 
1 angel fish 
4 pearl gouramis (1M 3F)
1 clown pleco (He is only 2 inches and doesn't seem to grow. I have learned that this can be normal. )
9 harliquin rasporas
8 albino flame tetras
5 peppered corys
5 false julii corys
5 sterbai corys
5 otos
1 bamboo shrimp (I am on the lookout for 4 more of these)
1 African viper shrimp (only 2 inches now so he's not impressive yet)
1 dwarf Mexican dwarf crayfish
If anyone has any suggestions about traps or other ways to get the MTS population under control I am all ears. The assassin snails don't touch them. 
Here are some pics 

My angel he is about five inches tall now and growing 

here is a pic to show how bad the MTS are
Been a few changes so I thought I would update this journal. 
I went through a spell of life getting in the way and my water changes suffered. Things slowed down and I did some tests. My nitrates were 40 ppm which I don't like at all. So I did a 50% water changes every 3 days and got them down to 10ppm. I think the nitrates being that bad is why all three of my clams died inside of 2 weeks. 
I also reorganized the plants a little and got some cabomba and sagatarius. I like what they add to the tank. I also found one more bamboo shrimp so now i have 2. I want six and the LFS said they could order more but I'm not holding my breath. 
Anyway, I am kind of a moron and even though I know this tank was already over stocked I saw some dojo loaches at the store and I love those fish so I got 2. They seem to be doing fine. Also my mother pretty much got completely bored with her betta so I added him to the tank. He is fine in there with the other fish so I am leaving it be for now. 
I still have MTS like crazy. there has to be over 200 despite the fact that I have assassin snails that breed will in the tank. I started with 5 and now have 15 that I can count and I have seen them eat a snail now and then. I think I have so many of these snails because of how many fish I have in the tank.
I think I have lost a peppered cory and a false julii cory. I had 5 of each but I consistently can only count 4 of each.  
Current stocking is:
1 angelfish 
4 pearl gourami (1m 2f)
1 clown pleco
1 betta
2 dojo loaches
5 otos
4 jullii corys
4 peppered corys
5 sterbai corys
6 albino flame tetras
9 harlequin rasporas
2 bamboo shrimp
1 viper shrimp
2 mystery snails
15+ assassin snails
Here are some pics




I love your tank! Sorry I don't have anything to offer on your snail problem...also, I think you're asking for trouble keeping that betta in there. But, I hope it works out for you!

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