55 Gallon

You want to buy it?


Nah, I'm sure shipping would kill any deal. ;) You can't tell me you are just going to have one tank though. :p

And $40 for a 55 Gallon? That's a steal!! Hope you get it!
You want to buy it?


Nah, I'm sure shipping would kill any deal. ;) You can't tell me you are just going to have one tank though. :p

And $40 for a 55 Gallon? That's a steal!! Hope you get it!
I will defiantly use the 29 gallon for something for sure, unless you want to buy it? lol

Yeah I know, its a 55 gallon and a 20 gallon for 40 bucks!

I hope I get it too, right now he might be leaving for the weekend, and that is the only time I could pick it up...so we will see!

Good deal!

What you going to put in it?
All of my Cichlids from my 29, which is only 6 ATM, and then I am going to stock up on more Cichlids!

Hopefully I might be able to get some different kinds of fish in there as well, we will see.

It won't be for a while until I can get it up and running, but I got the hardest part out of the way...getting the tank...lol.

Alright guys!

I just picked up a 60 gallon tank, well he says it is 60 gallons, but I think it is 55.

Anyways, its bigger than my 29!

I am picking it up tomorrow!

<a href="http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/for/1137438675.html" target="_blank">http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/for/1137438675.html</a>


Same thing happened to me. :lol: It was advertised as a bigger tank than it actually was. ;) Congrats! Looking forward to seeing your Cichlids in there. :good:

It will be a little while before I get everything going.

I am going to make the stand and hood for it, so it will be a while, I am just glad I found one.

And get this! My RA (room adviser) here at the university in the dorms says he can give me his 55 gallon when he is done with it in a couple of weeks> :hyper:

So now I will have two!

And get this! My RA (room adviser) here at the university in the dorms says he can give me his 55 gallon when he is done with it in a couple of weeks> :hyper:

Much easier to find one when you already have one huh? :lol:
And get this! My RA (room adviser) here at the university in the dorms says he can give me his 55 gallon when he is done with it in a couple of weeks> :hyper:

Much easier to find one when you already have one huh? :lol:

Yeah I know, oh well, I will have 2 now I guess.

Hmmmmm......I wonder what I can put in another 55 gallon tank?


Hmmmmm......I wonder what I can put in another 55 gallon tank?



I vote more Cichlids!!! :good:

Good vote!

Cichlids FTW! :lol:

It will probably be another month until I can get this 55 gallon tank up and running.

Well, I guess that depends.

This guy might be coming to buy my 1982 Mustang this weekend for around $1500, and if I sell that, I will be able to get 55 gallon tank going immediately!

*Fingers crossed*

Well, here is the 55 gallon!


And a picture of my 29 as of right now.


What do you guys think?

I am hopefully going to be building the stand tomorrow, but we will see?

Are you gonna move that piece of wood into the 55?

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