55 Gallon Setup Journal [update: 21/03/06] [severe 56k Warning]

.com and .ca

I'm in Canada, you no doubt seen the american site, and didnt bother to look for the .ca in my link :)
same product, same store, different funds :D
excellent equipment setup, but decor wise not a big fan. Guess everyone goes through a phase of adding sinking ships/castles/treasure chest/sponge bob etc when they first got their new tank. But eventually moves away to a completely natural planted setup. I just threw away (in the closet) about 300 bucks worth of fake decors, silk plants, bubble wands/pump, power filters, etc. Currently converting from this ugly piece of crap:


to one of the amano tanks:


anyway didnt mean to hijack, sorry.
OMG i would never add cartoon orniments... ick.

the castle is nice, and will probably be the biggest decoration in my tank.

I would like some kind of cave or a good large hiding spot for my fish, but i dont know what just yet.as for substrate ...... i dont really like the look of that brown "natural" gravel and what have you.... but what would you suggest for a more natural look to the tank?

I will be using live plants in here, and not filling my tank with ugly ass fake plants and the like.... i hate fake plants.

Also, once this is running, By the time it is mature i hope to have a 220 Gallon tank.
At the very least by that time id like to have the tank, hood, and maybe the stand
Wow, it looks great and youre definately taking your time and doing it all right the first time! Personally when I have a new tank I get it set up ASAP so I can add some fish, I get all excited like a little kid!
Love what you have done with the heater etc, very tidy looking.
I would presonally ditch the blue gravel for something more natural looking though
well natural gravel, would make the castle look out of place :) and considering what i paid for it... Im going to keep it for now.
keeps the gf happy :)
goldfish + large smooth pebbles + potted hornwort/anarchis(if enough lighting) will go nicely with the huge castle.
Couple pics of my hood since I never posted any before. Can anyone identify the manufacturer of this hood?? I don't know who makes it.

You can see from the pics that my light is moveable, and I am able to add a second light module, which I may do if I can find one cheaper than $150, which is what my LFS sells them for.








F'in Goldfish..... Maybe I'll just buy some freakin koi, or those things with the puffy eyes.
OH F' goldfish.

I didnt spend $900 setting up a massive goldfish tank.

you got ripped off and why do you have a castle??????
i dont like it i woudnt put that in my tank even if i were 5.
alex dont bash him for having a castle or blue gravel. we've all had a castle in our tanks once upon a time!! your tank you do what you please with it, if it were me id add a few red bellied piranas and anyone bashing my castle would get a closer look. lol

james B)

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