55 Gallon Rebuild

Well, my 200W heater will only get my water to 84.6F. I guess I have to continue using the med in order to kill the ich. Nothing ever works just right!
Do you have a second heater you could use to have both? My 200 watt is messed up and wont go any lower than 80 :crazy:
Do you have a second heater you could use to have both? My 200 watt is messed up and wont go any lower than 80 :crazy:
I have others but they are smaller so they will shut off at a lower temp. :(. I ordered a 309W that will be here Sunday.
Well, my 200W heater will only get my water to 84.6F. I guess I have to continue using the med in order to kill the ich. Nothing ever works just right!
Try insulating the tank so the heater doesn't have to work as hard. Put polystyrene foam on the front, back and sides of the tank. Have a coverglass on the tank. Wrap the tank in a towel or blanket. Heat the room the tank is in so the heater can get the water a bit warmer.
I did put towels over the top and this morning it is a toasty 87.4. Oops! They are tolerating it well and no more visible ich! Yay!!! Will continue 9 more days. Must admit, these are some hardy little tetras.
I got my panda cories in. They are so cute! Floating and acclimating right now. Pics later. :)
The tetras seem happy and well.
I’m waiting for 10 more neon tetras that are being delivered today. They are going into the QT tank though first. The first group are doing great, didn’t lose a single one through ich treatment. They were amazingly hardy little guys. My cories are doing great too and also in a QT tank right now. I’ve ordered 4 more of them. That’ll put me at 28 neons and 8 panda cories. Going to give the tank a little more time before buying anymore. Pics to come as soon as everyone is in! Oh, got more plants too!
Ok... here’s the tank with 18 neons and 4 panda Cory in it. Oh, most of the plants too. I have some more anacharis, 6 bronze and 4 more panda cories coming, and 12 more neons. Couldn’t wait to show you guys my baby cories though. So cute! P.S. - No cracks about my TP stash. Lol!
Nice work there. :good:
Just got another 20 neon tetras in by mistake. I meant to order 10 but I guess the 1 rolled over to 2 on quantity ordered. Oh well. In QT they went. I’ll just add them half and half a week later to the tank when QT is up. I now have 48 neon tetras, 5 panda cories, 5 bronze cories, and 6 albinos coming in tomorrow. I think I’m stopping there. Can’t wait to get everyone in and show you guys my final product. I absolutely LOVE my cories. They are like a bunch of kids on sugar and red Kool Aid. So funny and cute. The pandas and Bronze are all playing together. They are a hoot! :)
Just got another 20 neon tetras in by mistake. I meant to order 10 but I guess the 1 rolled over to 2 on quantity ordered. Oh well. In QT they went. I’ll just add them half and half a week later to the tank when QT is up. I now have 48 neon tetras, 5 panda cories, 5 bronze cories, and 6 albinos coming in tomorrow. I think I’m stopping there. Can’t wait to get everyone in and show you guys my final product. I absolutely LOVE my cories. They are like a bunch of kids on sugar and red Kool Aid. So funny and cute. The pandas and Bronze are all playing together. They are a hoot! :)
Yay! Lots of fish!
Just got another 20 neon tetras in by mistake. I meant to order 10 but I guess the 1 rolled over to 2 on quantity ordered. Oh well. In QT they went. I’ll just add them half and half a week later to the tank when QT is up.

No, add the entire group (20) to the display tank at the same time once they are ready to leave QT. This does make a difference. The more there are, the less the move willimpact them, which means less stress and less chance of something like ich appearing.
Just got another 20 neon tetras in by mistake. I meant to order 10 but I guess the 1 rolled over to 2 on quantity ordered. Oh well. In QT they went. I’ll just add them half and half a week later to the tank when QT is up. I now have 48 neon tetras
Half way there then :whistle:
No, add the entire group (20) to the display tank at the same time once they are ready to leave QT. This does make a difference. The more there are, the less the move willimpact them, which means less stress and less chance of something like ich appearing.
Gotcha. Will do! Thanks again. @Byron I’d like to add some more plants. Water cabbage is floating. I have Java, swords, anubias, and anacharis. Any other easy plants that you could suggest?

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