55 Gallon Rebuild


Fish Maniac
Tank of the Month 🏆
Oct 29, 2018
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So I decided after I switched my goldfish from the 55G to the 75G, to just fill the 55G with Neon Tetras and cories. Naturally, that meant adding sand again. We all know how I feel about that. Enough said. So I bought a 50 pound bag of Quickcrete (sp?) I took it and added 1/3 of sand to each bucket and filled it with water and swished it real well and dumped the water. I did this 5 times with each bucket. Filled the tank and of course, it looks cloudy. Will this settle down or did I do something wrong? I haven’t added the filter yet. It’s only been in the tank about an hour. Should I give it more time to settle or should I add a filter? I bought a new Aquaclear 70 for it and a sponge filter. I didn’t want to mess up the Aquaclear. Maybe add an old filter? Hope I don’t have to drain it but will do what it takes. Suggestions?
I suggest draining the tank. Like I said in the PM?

Fill it up with tap water and then drain it. Then, add your de chlorinated water.
It'll settle down. Nothing to worry, you didn't do anything wrong. When I first added my first two kg of sand to my tank, I didn't wash it first or anyhting but just dumped this in the tank and it settled down during the first couple of days, and I still get my tank a little cloudy whenever I move my sand around a little. I would do a 100% water change then add back to the tank a little of water and move the sand around a bit again to see if it'll still get cloudy or not. If not, fill up your tank. If still gets cloudy, drain the tank again and repeat until it gets very little cloudy or it doesn't get cloudy anymore :)
I agree with draining it and filling until minimal cloudiness when stirring it up :)
I’m gonna give it a little more time first with an old filter. I’ll drain it if that doesn’t work. I already filled it and drained it last night after using vinegar on it. We’re talking 55G’s here. Lol! I may have to drain but let’s see first.
Came back in from a swim in the pool and still pretty cloudy. I decided to go ahead and drain it again.
I like using prefilter sponges with sand. Idk if it really helps keep the sand out of the filter, but it makes me feel better.
Draining it really is the best option.

I made the mistake of filling my 29g all the way up with dechlorinated water, before I drained it. I then wasted 29 gallons of perfect aquarium water. :/
I have it nice and clear now. Still waiting for fish and plants. Rest is set up. A current pic is below. Waiting for plants to come in and fish. Will take a final pic when complete.
@Retired Viking , @Byron, @Colin_T ...I have ordered 16 neon tetras but I imagine I will need to put them in my 29G community tank for a while with my other neons until the 50G is more established. How long should I wait? I read neons can die in a newly set up tank. I seeded with used sponges. Am I looking at a couple weeks or months? If it’s months, can I add my Cory cats to keep the bacteria fed or are they sensitive to new tanks too. Suggestions?
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I have it nice and clear now. Still waiting for fish and plants. Rest is set up. @Retired Viking , @Byron, @Colin_T ...I have ordered 16 neon tetras but I imagine I will need to put them in my 29G community tank for a while with my other neons until the 50G is more established. How long should I wait? I read neons can die in a newly set up tank. I seeded with used sponges. Am I looking at a couple weeks or months? If it’s months, can I add my Cory cats to keep the bacteria fed or are they sensitive to new tanks too. Suggestions?
Probably a couple weeks. You can add safe start to help it along too
I have it nice and clear now. Still waiting for fish and plants. Rest is set up. @Retired Viking , @Byron, @Colin_T ...I have ordered 16 neon tetras but I imagine I will need to put them in my 29G community tank for a while with my other neons until the 50G is more established. How long should I wait? I read neons can die in a newly set up tank. I seeded with used sponges. Am I looking at a couple weeks or months? If it’s months, can I add my Cory cats to keep the bacteria fed or are they sensitive to new tanks too. Suggestions?

If the plants are in the new tank and seem to be growing, I would put the newly acquired fish in the new tank. The fewer moves for fish the less stress which means less chance of ich. If there are no plants yet, then obviously the tank won't be cycled so the fish will have to go into another tank.
Stick the new fish in their own tank for a month while they are quarantined.

If you set up the new tank with an established filter, you can move fish into it straight away.
If the plants are in the new tank and seem to be growing, I would put the newly acquired fish in the new tank. The fewer moves for fish the less stress which means less chance of ich. If there are no plants yet, then obviously the tank won't be cycled so the fish will have to go into another tank.
Plants should be here in a few days. Neons will be here Friday. The tank should be cycled in a couple of days with used media and some gravel I put in a panty hose on the bottom of tank.

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