Aww! cute angels. I like the 1st speckled one! He is like 'what chu want?'
Angels eat the moss yet?
Sorry to hear one is sick :\
Yep! Their personalities are really starting to show. I fed them on my lunch break and they are starting to beg a little bit! Rather than swim away and hide and come get the food after I've stepped away, they were all that the glass as if they were saying "FEED ME!" If it were possible, I would think that the Koi Angel I have in my other tank would do backflips every time I approach the tank.
As far as the moss goes.... I don't have any! *sigh* The stuff I had shipped to me was not even worth it (literally wouldn't cover the tip top of one of wood branches), so I'm still hunting for some! I really wanted to have all of the plants, including the moss, before the fish! Oh well... can't do anything about it now.
The Angels have distrupted the plants a couple times as they seem to enjoy swimming through them. I've had to re-plant almost every single stem plant in there at LEAST once.
The sick one does seem to be doing a bit better. I managed to get it to eat a bit today, so that's definitely progress! Poor little guy (or gal) though, is missing one of the ventral fins! It was there before, so I know it didn't come that way. There is no spinning like there was before, but he does lean a bit to one side. I half wonder if it's because that fin is missing now. Not sure if they use them for balance in any way.