Angels will eat wisteria and waterspire Well mine do, you might be lucky and not get devils. watersprite or wisteria would make a nice background plant.
No idea on carpet plants, I am new to that myself lol.
Is the ludwigia you want, ludwigia repens broadleaf? I have repens and I noticed the lower leaves tend to die off or get pin holes if there is not enough light reaching the bottom.
Can you put a co2 tank under the tank? Mine is in my bedroom as well, I put it under. It lasts me 2-3 months before a refill depending on how many bps. I think it would be a good idea to add some sort of co2 if your light is that high.
do the emerald eye rasbora reach 6cm? thats all I could find about them. I have zebra danios with my angels and they leave them alone but the zebra danios like to nip fins (only have 3) but my danio kytathit don't nip.
Darn Angels. I may still try the Water Sprite and Wisteria as they are only a couple bucks a piece. Worst case if they eat it, I just won't buy it again.
Yep, I was looking at the Ludwigia Repens. It looks like a really pretty plant.
I may be able to fit a CO2 tank under it, depending on how tall they are. I'll have to do some poking around and see what I can find. I was reading up a bit and read that some had success with dosing Seachem Excel instead of CO2. Granted it won't do what CO2 will do, but it seems like it would be better than doing nothing.
Emerald Eye Rasboras get to 1.75 inches. I think that's almost 4.5 cm. I really like Rasboras. I have Harlequins in my other tank and they are so much fun to watch. Congo Tetras look nice, color up well, and get to about 3 inches, but they are spendy!