55 Gallon Peaceful Stock List

okay thanks the spanner is 5 inch and fully grown ? and seems very content in the tank and is that reaaly all i could have in a 55 gallon tank seems a bit empty thanks


Spanner's get 8 inches, and they are active fish that deserve a 75 gallon minimum.

Fish may seem "happy", but it is never true. Unless you learn to speak fish, it can't tell you.
Abused dogs will still wag their tails at their abusive owners. Dolphins have that permanent smile on their face, even if they are in a tiny, dirty pool.

You could always add another group of schooling fish to fill up your empty tank.
A school of 8-10x Praecox Rainbowfish would look splendid alongside a school of 12x Congo Tetras.
You could, if you have sand, also get a school of cory catfish.

1x Angelfish
4x Platys
12-14x Congo Tetras
8-10x Praecox Rainbowfish
12x Corydoras catfish
1-2x Bristlenose pleco

Even with a 55 gallon, and filtration and weekly water changes, this is pretty much the limit of how many fish you can have. :good:
that seems a little bit better could i include dwarf gourmis and shrimp,oh and my tank is fully cycled


Would not recommend Gourami's with angelfish. Angelfish will eat small shrimp, larger ones may be ok.
Fully adult sized amano shrimp would work :good:
Gouramis would be bullied by the angelfish
Gouramis would be bullied by the angelfish
Some bullying would occurr but you seem to be underestimating the potential aggression and tenacity of a Gourami :crazy: also the possibility of a wimpy Angel, they are both very unique fish.
Gouramis would be bullied by the angelfish
Some bullying would occurr but you seem to be underestimating the potential aggression and tenacity of a Gourami :crazy: also the possibility of a wimpy Angel, they are both very unique fish.
Agreed - In my tank, it's the Angelfish who tends to get bullied by the Gouramis XD
so there is a chance they could go ?


I wouldn't push your luck. It could end disaterously.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but maybe some apisto cichlids would work?
TBH if your tank is less than 18" high I would skip the angel's - They like a nice tall tank.

Be a bit cautious with dwarf gourami as well. Have a read under the dedicated gourami section and read up on dwarf gourami disease.

I have a pair and they are very pretty but if I had read up on them first I would have gone for something else...


Danny B
okay i wont go for the goumi's thanks and the tank is 18 ich high so it should be okay,i would love to know about the apisto's they look really cool

okay i wont go for the goumi's thanks and the tank is 18 ich high so it should be okay,i would love to know about the apisto's they look really cool


A single angel would be fine in a 55g.
If apistos do work, I would get a harem.
1 male, 2 females. That way, one female isn't overly bullied. You would have to get clay flowerpots or half a coconut shell with a hole in it for the females to make caves. They breed in the caves, and they act as apartments for the females to live in and escape the male's constant attention.
I recommend either Cockatoo Cichlids, Agassizi Cichlids, or Panda Cichlids :good:
this may sound stupid but what does harem mean ? also if i could not get any of them would ram cichlids go well in a community setting as my lfs has them in with tetras so would this work ?
this may sound stupid but what does harem mean ? also if i could not get any of them would ram cichlids go well in a community setting as my lfs has them in with tetras so would this work ?

Rams need high temperatures, which most fish cannot endure for long. You would have to rework your whole stocking for them to work.

You could always order online.
A harem is a man with many wives. In fish terms, it's a male fish with many female fish.
So, for apistos, the ratio should be one male with two females
ah sorthed thanks i'll look ito the aspestos thanks

would a amazon puffer go well with my current stock ?

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