55 Gallon Journal

That really is a fab picture!
Am amazed you even found him at all in that.
A monkey fish eh? 
Taking a quick drink before she heads out
Great pic 

Good thing you did not startle her, who knows what would have happened! lol
Few more pics of the tank, hair grass is growing nicely and the vals are sending runners all over the place. Got a bit of an algae problem, and I'm finding it difficult to get all the nutrients my sword needs but it's still going pretty well I'd say. Sorry for the blurry pictures, but the camera lens is broken so I'm down to using manual focus only.



Looks good, pics of rainbows are lovely :)
The sword plant is great!
Great tank. I would love some rainbows if I get a bigger tank.
 Either you do the IMG paste, and then you click the image to play, or you can upload to youtube and add its URL here.
Thanks Jayne
Small update today, bought some cryptocoryne parvas when I went to the lfs and I really like how it looks. Hopefully with time, it spreads a bit more. 
Also got a tiny white angel fish, but it or something else will have to be rehomed to make more space I think. Kind of overstocked as it is but I couldn't resist lol.
And I made a small cave under one of the wood pieces for my cories, hopefully they like it as my tank doesn't have much cover for them.




My german blue ram's stash of catfish pellets (not in the picture as he was busy chasing off the rainbowfish at the time :lol:)
:wub: Such cutiepies! Happen to have any more pics of your ram? :p

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