55 Gallon Journal

That piece of Redmoor will look good in your tank. An excellent choice!
Can't wait to see pics!
Update time!
So I went out to buy some fish today and I was originally planning to only get three otos and five cardinals but in the end I also got a Pearl Gourami. I'm very happy with my purchases, the Otos and Cardinals are very active and look lovely. I'm don't know much about Gourami behaviour but at the moment mine seems to be a bit shy and he only really hangs around the top corners of my tank. I assume he will eventually get use to my tank and swim around more freely though, just need to give him some time.




Excellent pics, looks really good.
Well done!
Nice looking gourami. How is the flow in the tank? If it is too high that could explain why he stays in corners. Remember they are like bettas in the sense of their needs and wants. 
The flow is high all around the top, but I believe that's not the case for him staying up there. Whenever I'm sitting by my PC and not moving around too much he swims freely around the tank, but if I or someone else comes close he goes back to his hiding spot.
Ah yeah, he is a shy guy. Should come around soon once he realized you have food LOL.
Whats the plan for the stock? (Sorry if Ive missed it somewhere up there!)

The Otos, Cardinals and Gourami is an excellent start to the stock list I must say!
Well, I keep changing my mind when I get to the fish shop so it's hard to say but the plan as of now is for a pair of Rams, Boesemans Rainbowfish, some more cardinals, and possibly Sterbai Cories if I won't be overstocked by then. 
i think get either the rams or rainbows, not both.. just my opinion.. :)

Then at least you can stock up the Cardinals and Sterbais!

But Sterbai(as beautiful as it is!) will get big for a cory.. Maybe Pandas? They look cute too!

Whatever it is, with the tank you have set up, any fish will look beautiful!

Just cant wait for pics of the community! :)
Haven't updated in a long while, almost 2 months! A lot has changed since my last update, I got a lot of new plants and the amazon sword grew brilliantly. I've also got more fish and rehomed the cardinal tetras to make room for more rummynoses. Alongside the 5 rummies, I now also have 6 sterbai cories and a single male Ram. Plant wise, I got rid of the hornwort, java fern, african water fern and althernantera cardinalis replacing them with vals, star grass, ambulia and a single cryptocoryne costata. The other new plant on the left hand side in front of the vals is also new, but I forgot the name of it :p
So yeah, I'd say I'm happy with how the tank looks. Just needs more plant growth I guess, I may  get some more star grass to fill it out and something to put next the ambulia but I haven't decided on that just yet. Will also be picking up 5 Boesemani rainbows in two or three weeks, along with a few more rummynoses. 







Tank looking real good, very nice indeed.
Plants are looking good.
Great update and great pics.
Tank looks lovely! I quite like the pic of the sterbai cory :D
Now it's time for a little game called spot the cory! :lol:


Yep, and he's still sitting in there 2 hours later. Maybe he thinks he's a monkey

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