5 hours of work, gravel gone

Thanks for the compliments. I will get some pics tomorrow for you that show the black tahitian sand and some of the rainbow shark. My wife and I got this enw digital camera..and well....i am still learning how to use it. The plants that are in there:

The two stalky plants with small leaves ( amazing how they alternated on the stalk as they go up) are called Moneywort. I got them for 2 bucks a bunch when they were about 3" tall. THey have grown to the top of the tank already. They seemed to grow well before I got the power compact lighting also. The large one is a common amazon sword and the little one up front is an anubias. The moneywort is a great plant. It is very rigid and stands pretty firm. Under the surface there is a large root structure that spans a fairly good area. I will try to get some more pics of that as well.

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