5 gallon Fluval Spec V

Well turns out the cardinal tetra is fine.

Hold on a second. I just saw some newborn fry in the corner of my tank, and thought hold up, that's weird. Then, I saw more the later days. Could it be that my female is giving birth? Again? The male died a while ago
Newborn what? If it's guppies, don't forget females can store sperm and use it to fertilise her eggs for several months.
Newborn what? If it's guppies, don't forget females can store sperm and use it to fertilise her eggs for several months.
Yes I forgot about that. Speaking of guppies,

The female is now almost mobile and her fins are deteriorating. The only way we can tell she's alive is by gill movement. My brother and I have decided to euthanize her by decapitation. We have no other methods and it is doubtful that we have clove oil.

I'm sad
Clove oil is usually purchased from a chemist/pharmacy/drug store as it's an old fashioned remedy for toothache. In the UK at least it comes in a tiny bottle and costs a couple of £.
Been a while since I updated. Fry have grown to 1/3 size of original adults. only 1 adult shrimp is left. There are a bunch of babies though. moss blew up, and my brother did a trim a few days ago. the Cardinal tetra remains

Lights are off most of the time though, due to brother getting concussion and needing all lights to be really dim or off.
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At last a hack-back. The tank looks so different now. I can see the fish!


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we still have to take the extra floating ludwigia out but all the fish are doing well. The ludwigia looks sickly because it's been in a moss carpet for 3 months but it should bounce back now that the moss has been removed.


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Chill bro, it’s just an expression - commonly used on build threads to see more pictures of the tank. :)
New fish!! We returned the guppy fry and got a baby plakat betta and 3 lamb chop rasbora(yes I know people don't like keeping fish with bettas but please keep your opinions to yourself this is a forum with people with different opinions) :)
(no arguments pls)

They are currently acclimating. I intend on beefing up these guys as the betta is as big as the rasboras.

I will be back with a pic
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Fish appear to be fine, rasboras are playing around already, betta is hiding around the tank, checking it out.

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