5 gallon Fluval Spec V

Are the shrimp swimming around like this?

If so it’s normal and nothing to worry about.
You mentioned finding a molt and that’s a sign that the water is good. As Slap stated, just try to relax and observe. As long as the rest of the critters are doing ok and then it is most likely just an issue with that one particular fish.
Are the shrimp swimming around like this?

If so it’s normal and nothing to worry about.
You mentioned finding a molt and that’s a sign that the water is good. As Slap stated, just try to relax and observe. As long as the rest of the critters are doing ok and then it is most likely just an issue with that one particular fish.

I can't see the video but the males have calmed down now, the molt is still there and there's a second berried female.

I guess I'll just wait and see :dunno:
All fish still healthy except female, to whom the male sticks close to. I think she's just getting old, and the male seems to be less active than normal, but nowhere near the female in terms of health.
Female getting weaker, but still alive and swims away whenever I wiggle my finger in the water
Had some family over today and had leftovers, tried to feed the shrimp raw cucumber, but forgot that it will float so I decided to give some yam/sweet potato instead. One of the females took a bite but swam away when I got close.
Ok so, I went sailing today and brought back a plant I found in the lake. I rinsed it in tap water and then planted it in the "forest area"

Should I take it out in fear of parasites/bugs or can I leave it in there?
Also the female guppy's health has severely decreased. She is now floating side up in the corner of the tank next to the duckweed. I think I might euthanize, though not sure how to do so.

Also, all other tank inhabitants are healthy, and the male guppy is playing in the current.
Argh! First fatality of this aquarium(not including fry and baby snails). The ramshorn died. It floated to the top and fell out of the shell :(. Tomorrow I will bring the fry to the LFS and maybe return the tetras and rasboras.
Did a water change, finally razored the glass and scraped off the unsightly algae. :banana:
Tomorrow will give fry to LFS. Speaking of babies, shrimplets have been spotted.

I might also give the tetras to the LFS as well to make space for otocinclus. Maybe also return the frisky assassins. Male guppy is slow now, but not as unstable as female. I think they're getting really old. When all fish are gone, I will get otocinclus and some sparkling gourami.
I think they're getting really old. When all fish are gone, I will get otocinclus and some sparkling gourami.
I took the time and read all of the threads of this 6 week duration post thus far. Do guppies age so much in 6 weeks, that they are now old? There has been a lot of changes and interactions going on, babies, etc. in only a 6 week period in a non-cycled tank ... I am now dizzy from reading this. Please let your tank cycle 100% before getting any more fish and please try to limit constantly changing things up. You are only dealing with a small 5 gallon ecosystem and small changes to a tank this size are very major. :) I am happy you are so excited about the hobby and please keep that spark.
I took the time and read all of the threads of this 6 week duration post thus far. Do guppies age so much in 6 weeks, that they are now old? There has been a lot of changes and interactions going on, babies, etc. in only a 6 week period in a non-cycled tank ... I am now dizzy from reading this. Please let your tank cycle 100% before getting any more fish and please try to limit constantly changing things up. You are only dealing with a small 5 gallon ecosystem and small changes to a tank this size are very major. :) I am happy you are so excited about the hobby and please keep that spark.

My tank is 100% cycled
it was 0 ammonia the whole time. I'm not sure what's wrong with the guppies, but everything else is fine.

Ok not the whole time, but the 0 ammonia and nitrite over 1 week has been achieved
Sad news :(:
The male guppy died. He was found under the driftwood. The female guppy is declining. I think I will try and keep her alive for as long as possible, and I will not get new fish until all the guppy fry are either dead or grown up.
What are your nitrate levels? I know you say that ammonia is low/undetectable but this is odd that your fish are suddenly taking a turn for the worst. One fish acting ill can be an isolated incident but when multiple animals are getting sick and dying it is a sign that something is amiss in the tank.

Healthy fish kept in clean water should easily live for 1-3 years. A single individual dying before then can just be a coincidence and a result of bad genetics or something like that but when multiple fish are suddenly becoming ill at the same them it is a strong sign of something being wrong with the water. In your case it could be a dead juvie or shrimp fouling up the water, overfeeding, inadequate water changes, or even a chemical in your water supply.
I have failed. The cardinal tetra is declining, his colour is fading to just blue, and is swimming lopsidedly. The dwarf rasboras, shrimp, assassin snails and the guppy fry are doing ok, though I still feel I failed. Because of this, as well as algae, I'm going to redo the tank. Not completely redo it, like restarting the cycle. Here's how I plan on doing it:

Take plants out and moss and place on towel
Take out hardscape like rocks and wood.
Remove half the water.
Take out fish and place in temporary holding tank.
Clean gravel.
clean glass.
Rinse filter in old tank water.
Clean plants.
Rescape tank.
Replace water and fish.


When the guppies grow up, I'm going to give them to a pet shop. The rasboras I will try to keep alive. When I manage to get the tank back under control, I will add otocinclus(and a heater). Then, I will get some sparkling gourami and maybe a nerite. Either that or a koi betta instead of the gourami.

Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0

Most reactions
