5.5 Gallon :)

I bought some marco algae the other day off e.bay, and today I'm shocked to find I have 2 of these in my tank :) I managed to get one out with no problem, its sat in a jug of tank water on my desk and has attached itself to the side..lol If its still alive tomorrow where going to buy it a goldfish bowl and give it a little sand and live rock and when we get the other out it will have a friend..lol Would be interestimg to see if they can live without a heater.
a pic of the one I got out..

My tank hovers around 72-80 depending on whether the owners of this house decide to put the AC on during the day or not.

I'd think the biggest concern would be water movement?
pfft, it's an aiptasia... the things survive thermonuclear attacks. they scoff at other organism's need for water movement :lol:
LOL.. well its quite happy today stuck to the side of the jug. Its climbed up the side trying to escape the colder temerature :huh: lol I'll be buying a small bowl/tank of some kind today as I'm in search for a new friend for Spud the clownfish. What do you think on feeding? 2 or 3 times a week maybe and on what? ground flake tetra prims vitamin enriched hatched brine shrimp ? lol my god its going to grow into a monster ..lol
I feed mine small children.... but no. I feed mine whenever I feel like it.. sometimes frozen brine shrimp, but usually just ordinary flakes that I had leftover from my freshwater tanks. Obviously, the more food and light, the faster they'll grow, but mine aren't picky in the slightest.. that's probably why they survive anything.. highly adaptable.
i brought soem live rock home from florida about 2 months ago while on vacation....golf ball size pices that washed up. had them out of water for at least 2 days. i threw em in my vacated 20, quarantine, tank. next day..aiptasia. its the only thin i have seen in the tank so far.
Anyone have any idea on if yellow button polyps would live in my tank with my current lighting? I have an 18" (10 gallon) light over the 5 gallon tank.. which means it's pretty low wattage, but it's also not very far from the bottom of the tank either. Would I need to get another light for them to live?

No idea on how my single Mushroom coral is with this light, but it's opened up and has finally attached to the rock.

Also.. one of my hermits was ripped out of it's shell today... I suspect by the new emerald crab... the tiniest hermit took this opportunity to steal the old shell.. though I doubt the emerald will let him live very long. I'll just have to see what happens.. I really like the emerald crabs, but it would kind of suck if my entire clean up crew was demolished in a couple days.
my lfs has this three gallon pico in the corner of there store near the live rock area. And in the pico is all apstasia. Looked pretty cool.
Well my lucky too little demons have just got themselves an 8 gallon Nano :) After some fish issues I needed to set up another tank to put my little percula in. Hes having real issues settling in and didnt get on with the Tomato clown I bought the day after him so someone had to move :( So hes settling in to the 8 gallon with a little live sand and some reef bones (not enough live rock to spare) a couple of snails and hermits and now hes got the 2 pests as company. Will be intersting to see how they grow. And the little clown has finally eaten something. He had lots of baby brine shrimp, its the happiest Ive seen him since he came on friday. Fingers crossed I can get him eating properly soon.

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