5.5 Gal Tank

I guess because I keep my tanks so full of plants, I get survivors even in small mixed community tanks. The fry just hang in the plants until they are big enough to not get eaten.
Even I I had guppy fry wouldn't the fish eat them?

if you do want the fry to live then just put a lot of plants in your tank and you can do what i do and scoop them out and put them in a separate 'grow out' tank.

I have a 5.5 gal tank was wondering if I'd be overstocking with 3 guppies, rainbow fish and 1 snail? If I was careful with the water quality would I have an issue?
Thank you
Its simple rainbow grow like to 3-5 INCHES there to big for the tank i would keep them in a 10 gallon minemem
Guppies in my 10 gallon.

I meant it when I said that guppies would be fine as long as you stayed on top of water quality. I sell several adult guppies out of this tank every few months. They just keep on thriving and reproducing.
No rainbow fish will work in a 5.5 gallon tank, unfortunately. They are also schooling fish, and even the small species get around 3 inches, something of a 20 gallon tank is a minimum for them.
I wouldn't do the rainbow either. I think you should get male and female guppies and let them multiply. :)

You could keep some shrimp and a pair of killifish in there too, but the Killis might chase the guppys.
I think you should get male and female guppies and let them multiply. :)

You could keep some shrimp and a pair of killifish in there too

i agree with breeding the guppies but a baby guppies is a snack for a shrimp- even the ghost shrimps.....
Well 2 out of the 3 guppies died. I just checked my nitrite and nitrate last night both read 0
Any thoughts
did you just get them?- could be stress
also how long did you cycle the tank for??
My tank's amm is currently reading 0.25 ppm should I do a partial water change or will it disrupt the cycling process?
My tank's amm is currently reading 0.25 ppm should I do a partial water change or will it disrupt the cycling process?
the fish are always producing ammonia simply by breathing. Doing a water change would be beneficial, and won't disrupt your cycle, basically. Try to keep it below .20 at all times during a fish in cycle.
You have reached our 0.25 ppm limit so you need to do a water change so that it has room to increase during the day. As onidrase said, fish continuously produce ammonia so it will drift up during the day. As long as there is any ammonia at all, it means the bacteria are not yet using every bit that is being produced. To me that means there is plenty for them to increase in numbers and get you closer to being cycled. I always prefer huge water changes when I need them because it gives me some breathing space before the next water change is needed.

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