Fish Addict
I guess because I keep my tanks so full of plants, I get survivors even in small mixed community tanks. The fry just hang in the plants until they are big enough to not get eaten.
Even I I had guppy fry wouldn't the fish eat them?
Its simple rainbow grow like to 3-5 INCHES there to big for the tank i would keep them in a 10 gallon minememI have a 5.5 gal tank was wondering if I'd be overstocking with 3 guppies, rainbow fish and 1 snail? If I was careful with the water quality would I have an issue?
Thank you
I think you should get male and female guppies and let them multiply.
You could keep some shrimp and a pair of killifish in there too
the fish are always producing ammonia simply by breathing. Doing a water change would be beneficial, and won't disrupt your cycle, basically. Try to keep it below .20 at all times during a fish in cycle.My tank's amm is currently reading 0.25 ppm should I do a partial water change or will it disrupt the cycling process?