4X2X18 New Marine Setup Diary

Thanks Seffie.... Oh... But can soneone do that for me.. I'd feel a total heartless bugga for killing em..

Thanks Ben.. :good:
Day 2 Testing:

PH - 8.3
KH - 8
NH4\NH3 - 0.5 mg\l
No2 - 0.0 mg\l
No3 - 10mg\l
Po4 - 0 mg\l
Cu - 0 mg\l
Ca - 340 mg\l
Thanks Seffie.... Oh... But can soneone do that for me.. I'd feel a total heartless bugga for killing em..

We all feel like that the first time :blink: but they will sting your corals and could even kill them!

If you live close to me I would happily come round and help you 'burn' the little.................. :devil: as I suspect would any one else on here :rolleyes:

Seffie x
ps by the way they stink when you burn them, so have the doors and windows wide open :sick:
Thanks Seffie.... Oh... But can soneone do that for me.. I'd feel a total heartless bugga for killing em..

We all feel like that the first time :blink: but they will sting your corals and could even kill them!

If you live close to me I would happily come round and help you 'burn' the little.................. :devil: as I suspect would any one else on here :rolleyes:

Seffie x
ps by the way they stink when you burn them, so have the doors and windows wide open :sick:


I guess I'll have to brave it, thanks for the offer :blush:.. I'm sure the health of corals etc is more important.. hmmm.. Now off to buy a blow torch!!

My choice of weapon is the soldering iron - you can stick it in their holes :blush: or should I say, the holes in the rock!!

Although I believe SH favours the kitchen blow torch :look:

Have fun :sick:

Seffie x
My choice of weapon is the soldering iron - you can stick it in their holes :blush: or should I say, the holes in the rock!!

Although I believe SH favours the kitchen blow torch :look:

Have fun :sick:

Seffie x

hehe .. I'll try sticking the soldering iron into the holes :lol:.. I may burn the rock with a blow torch..lol
you can pick up a gas soldering iron for 10-25 pounds or less maybe
Day 3 Testing:

PH :8.3
KH :8
NH4+NH3 :0.5mg/L
NO2 :1.0mg/L
NO3 :25mg/L
PO4 :0mg:L
Cu :0mg/L
Ca :400mg/L

Increased Ca level with rowa kalk around 11pm last nite, so the PH fluctuation was not so severe.. though I dripped it in over nite.. Luckily no PH change.. which is good.

As for the cycling.. Seems to be working.. Ammonia seems to be converting at last, Nitrites and Nitrates respectively..

I have over the past two days used the recommended doses of nutrifin cycle, if this helps or not i dont know.. Though im waiting till the Ammonia reaches Zero. Even though im sure the Ammonia is classed as non toxic with this chemical in the water.

By the weekend im hoping to introduce live stock.

Woke up to a burning smell.

The right handside of the aquaspace lights ignitor's had popped and started to leak acid! marvelous! luckily none of it escaped the ballast.

Now i need to seek replacement!

Found one :good: £7!! Managed to get this at trade price as their customers do not sell these kind of ignitors anymore..
No change in test results today, although the Ammonia takes longer to change its colour.. So hopefully i shud see a rapid decline by Saturday.

As for critters, little star fish are about, white wormy things coming in and out of the rock.. Twin wormy things also.. saw a baby turbo last nite also.. which i didnt really expect at all!

anyways found this, this morning :


any ideas??

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