48x18x18- Unique And Interesting

not that i know anything, but aren't snakeheads reported to generally show conspecific aggression? a birchir, being a long skinny thing with stumpy fins and big mouth, may be seen as a target for a snakehead.

(i'm listening, i just don't know anything about birchirs! or equipment)
Hi there,

Why don't you scrap the Sev (although they are great fish) and go with the bichirs and bushfish and go for a nice West African biotope? You could have some pretty cool fish - maybe some Distichodus (probably affinis) and there are some great West African cichlids about. You could also have an elephantnose which would be ace.

You can have a few bushfish if you want 'cos most species are pretty sociable.

Anyway, just a suggestion.

Good luck with the tank!

Yeah, but I've always wanted a nice gold sev :drool: Although if I can't find any other than on Trimar I'll have to scrap it, I'm not paying what they're charging for one :crazy:

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